Thirty Two

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"Axl, really I'm fine." He shook his head, "There's no way you're 'fine'. You need to rest and you will be able to sleep well here." There was a pounding in my head, I just couldn't ignore. I sat in the small hospital bed, bruised and bandaged. "I guess if you insist."   "Well, I do insist. You need to spend tonight in the hospital, I'll be right by your side and Izzy is on his way back." I tried my best to crack a smile despite the fact my lips were dry and I wasn't really in the mood to smile. 

"That's good to know, did everything go okay?" I questioned.  Axl shrugged, "I didn't really talk to him for too long. I just told him what happened to you, and he said he was going to book it back here."   "I know it's probably stupid but I want to see him. It's just been the three of us for a while now and I kind of just want it to be that way again. I guess, I need the support right now." I admitted, feeling woozy. Axl rubbed his thumb over my knuckles, he just kept staring at me. Every once and a while his eyes would avert to the floor, and I tried to pretend I didn't notice his cycle. 

Breaking both of our concentration we heard  knock on the door. A young blonde haired nurse cracked the door open, drawing my eyes to the door. "Excuse me, you have another visitor Ms. Paul." My last name sounding foreign to me for some reason, but either way I shook my head. "You can let them come in." She stepped aside and Izzy rushed in looking rather panicked. His hair was greasy and stuck to his forehead, and his clothes were so wrinkled, it was obvious he had not slept nor showered since he'd been gone.  "Thank fuck, Kat. Are you okay?" The nurses face contorting at Izzy's 'Swear'.   "I'll leave you all alone then." The nurse spoke, closing the door behind her. Izzy came over and loosely put his arms around me, making sure he was very careful.  I put my arm around his back. After a few seconds he pulled away, but traced his fingers down my arm slowly pulling my hand into his own.  "I was worried to fucking death about you, you know that?" Izzy said, glancing over at Axl who was sitting in a chair by the bed.  "They apprehended the guy that did at least." Axl spoke, shaking his head slightly.   "Good, probably some junkie."   "The guy was trying to get money for drugs." Axl confirmed.  "Have you eaten anything?" Izzy questioned me.  I nodded, smiling faintly, "Yes, Axl went and got me some Ice cream."  "Two Ice creams to be fair, Kitty Kat." Axl laughed, leaning back in his seat.   "They were so good! What can I say?"  I defended, trying to ignore the pain in my head.   "Izzy will you sign me out? Axl won't help me bust out of this place, He wants them to keep me overnight."  Izzy glanced down before sheepishly looking at Axl.   "I guess so, do you think you're fit enough to go home tonight?"   I nodded my head, "Yes, I am fine. A little pissed off, my head is busting- but fine. I want to go to sleep in our bed, with you guys both there with me, where I'm safe and comfortable. Not in some crummy hospital."  I pleaded looking between Ax and Iz.   "She's got a good point, Ax. We gotta give the lady what she wants."  Axl rolled his eyes at Izzy.  "If that's what you really want."      "It is- now lets' go."   Izzy stood up, "I'll go sign you out then." He opened the door and left, gently closing it behind him. Axl stood up from his chair, pushing it back towards the wall.   "I got you some different clothes."   "Thanks, will you help me get dressed?" Axl nodded, "Sure, Princess."   "Go get the nurse and tell her to take these things off of me." I asked him, referring to the heart monitor and fluid bag I was hooked up too. "I'll be right back then." He walked out, leaving the door cracked behind him. 

 I leaned my head back, closing my eyes. I felt a tingle up my spine, the days events playing in my mind. I could imagine that man pointing a gun in my face as if he was still standing in front of me. The glass shattering behind me, as cigarettes and cheap candy fell off the shelves. I was scared about going back there again, I thought about finding another job. I needed another job. Some place where crazed junkies can't come in and point a gun in my face, and rob me. I just wanted to go home and sleep. Axl and Izzy laying beside me, I was safe with them. They wouldn't let anything happen to me. I knew that - I had been in too many situations with either of them to know. They would always protect me.

I heard the door squeak open as Axl emerged with a nurse.  "I heard you're getting ready to leave?" The nurse spoke in a quite voice, trying to sound calming - she more or less sounded like she was speaking to a toddler.  "Yes, my friend is checking me out now." I replied.  "Let's get you un-hooked from all these machines then." She said, walking over, she began turning off the heart monitors. I sat there quietly as she turned everything off. Axl stood near the doorway expressionless. The nurse began taking the IV out of my arm, un-clipping the tube and discarding the needle. She put a bandage around the bend of my arm where the IV had been, checking to make sure I was alright. After her evaluation, she said I was good to go. "Okay, so you are alright to leave now. If you have any further problems you can contact 911. Or I can give you a list of numbers for mental health facilities in case you can't process all of this on your own." She stated still standing at the bedside. "I think I'm alright, Thank you though." She nodded. "Alright, well, have a good evening Ms. Paul."   "You too, thank you again." The nurse left the room, leaving Axl and I once again. "Here are your clothes." He said putting the pile down beside me. "Thanks, Axl." I began getting undressed and changed into the clothes Axl had brought me. He thankfully helped or held me up whenever I needed him too. I was extremely happy to be released into Axl and Izzy's care. I don't think I could have handled spending any longer in this hospital room.  Suddenly Izzy poked his head through doorway. "You ready to go home, Kitten?" He smiled slightly. "More than you could know." Axl and I followed Izzy out of the hospital and to his old car. Riding silently back towards our place. 

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