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It was around seven that night when I finally left Steve's place, I went across the street to buy a couple bottles of cheap whiskey and took the bus back to the apartment. When I got there It didn't seem like anyone was there, since all the lights were off. There was a bunch of Lp's on the floor, I almost stepped all over and Izzy's guitar leaned up against the wall, so I knew it was him that left everything all over the place. I put the brown bag of alcohol bottles in the back of the fridge to get cold and went to the bedroom to take my cowboy boots off. When I got in there I flipped the lights on and heard groans coming from the bed. I glanced over and saw Izzy rub his eyes. Kat was laying there next to him with her face shoved into a pillow. I flicked the light back off and the room went dark again. "Hey, Bill." I didn't say anything but sat down on the end of the bed and took my shoes off, throwing them to the corner of the bedroom. I went towards the closet to get out another pair of pants. Jeff sat up and ran his fingers through his black hair and stood up from his spot of the mattress. He buttoned the buttons on his shirt back up to his chest. "What have you been doing?" I questioned him partially out of suspicion. "Oh, when you left Kat and I came in here to crash for a little while. She has to go to work at two a.m. tonight, and I thought what the hell I'll go to sleep for a little while as well." I nodded my head. Izzy walked past me out the door. "I'll see you later." "Wait, where are you going?" Izzy stopped at the door, "I'm going to meet with this guy I met earlier, his name's Slash he plays guitar." "Is he any good?" Izzy shrugged, "I haven't really heard him, I'm bringing him a tape so he can hear our band." After he finished his sentence, he closed the front door behind him. After letting out a heavy breath, I went over and fell down on the bed next to Kat, who sleep was uninterrupted by mine and Jeff's conversation. Even laying there fast asleep she looked really tired, she always kept late hours at work and besides that would always stay out with all of our friends till ungodly hours. I pulled a strand of hair off her face and tucked it back with the rest. Before closing my eyes.


I drove my car to this guys house, I had the best sounding tape of the band ready to give to him so he could give it a listen. Even though I'd technically  left the band, I wanted to maybe start a band with somebody else. I got to the address he had written down, and saw him standing outside talking to some girl. I parked my car at the end of the driveway and walked up to them. "Oh, hey, Izzy. Glad you could make it." "Hey, yeah, wasn't too hard to find." "Hey, this is my girlfriend Yvonne." I held out my hand to her. "Nice to meet you, I'm Izzy Stradlin." She smiled and giggled a little after she shook my hand. "Nice name. Anyways I'll let you to get going. I'll call you later Saul." "See ya'." He gave her a kiss and watched her as she walked away. "Anyways. Why don't you come inside. I've got a really rad stereo and some beers. We can listen your tape." I nodded, "Sound great." We went into his house, which wasn't too bad. He went into the little kitchen off of the living room. "You drink right, you want me to bring you something?" He questioned looking at me from behind the wall. "Yeah, I drink. I'll take whatever." He went back in the kitchen and came back in the living room again about a minute later with two cans of Budweiser. I thanked him for the drink and we both sat down on the couch. Slash turned his stereo on one of the rock stations and they were playing the Guess Who. "So are you in a band now?" I asked him, he took a long drink and shook his head 'yes'. "Yeah, I have been playing in a band called Tidus Sloan for a little while." I nodded my head and took a drink. "Can I hear your tape?" He questioned. "Yeah, sure thing." I grabbed the black cassette out of my pocket and handed it to him. "Here." He grabbed it and stuck it in the front of his player. "It should be at the start." He clicked play and sure enough it was at the beginning of the tape. Slash silently listened to it for a few little while. "You play guitar on this?" "Yeah, I do." "It sounds pretty cool." We sat there almost all night talking about bands, and drinking beer. Slash seemed pretty rad. It was a little before sunrise before we parted ways and I headed back to the apartment.

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