Twenty Five

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-Two months later-


Axl, Izzy, three other guys and me were all packed into a small van coming back from the show Hollywood Rose had just played, it was around two maybe three in the morning. It had definitely  been one of the best shows the guys had ever played, the guys had made a Five song Ep and played all the material from that along with a few cover tunes. After driving around town dropping everybody off we made it back to our little shack and parked the van outside with they little bit of equipment left inside. "Are you guys exhausted?" I questioned opening the passenger side door.  Axl laughed, "Pretty much." Izzy crawled out of the back of the van, his guitar slung over his back. "I want to go the fuck to sleep." Izzy moaned, popping his neck.  I slid the keys into the lock and pushed the door open, everybody piled inside.  Izzy threw his guitar case down in the furthest corner before slinking off to the bathroom. Axl started stripping his stage clothes off, throwing them over into the floor next to the dresser.  "You guys really played amazing tonight." I commented, laying down on the bed.  "Thanks, Kitty Kat. It's always nice you being there."  Axl put some boxer shorts on and lied down next to me. "Are you sleepy?" He questioned.  Before I could respond I yawned. "I'll take that as a yes."   "I'm going to go beat Izzy out of the bathroom, so I can take my makeup off." I stood up and walked a few feet over to the bathroom.  "Izzy, open the door I need to take my makeup off."  "Ugh, I just went in here." He yelled from the other side of the door.  "C'mon Iz, I don't care." A few seconds later I heard the door unlock, I slipped inside. Izzy was standing there shirtless and barefoot, his discarded clothes laying in the floor, he was rubbing his eyes smearing black eyeliner down his face.  "Are you taking a shower?" I asked, turning the faucet on.  "Should I?"  "I don't know do you smell bad?"  He shrugged, "I don't know, do I?" I leaned in and smelled him, scrunching my nose up.   "Eh, a little." I started washing my makeup off, taking a towelette and removing the heavy powder and eyeliner.   "Will it bother you if I shower with you in here?" Izzy questioned, pulling back the shower curtain.  "Of course not, I mean- we grew up together."   He nodded nonchalantly, "You're right." Izzy striped the remainder off his clothes off, leaving his tight black jeans in the floor. I turned the sink off, having gotten my makeup off. " What is it in you boys never picking up after yourselves." I commented gathering Izzy's dirty stuff out of the floor.   "I was working on it. Besides you can't say anything- you are messier than me and Axl put together." Izzy stated, sticking his head from behind the shower curtain. I rolled my eyes.   "Yeah, right, Lover boy."  I strolled out of the bathroom, picking Axl's things up as I went.   "You ready for bed now?" Axl questioned, from his spot on the mattress. "Yeah." I put all the dirty clothes together, before putting on a tee shirt of Axl's. I climbed into bed next to him, getting comfortable- he turned to face me.   "Goodnight." I smiled, "Goodnight Axl." He leaned in pressing a kiss to my lips, my mouth moved along with his for a few seconds enjoying being so close to him. After a few more seconds we both pulled away, small smiles on both of our faces. "I love you, Girl."  "I love you too, Axl." We moved around and nestled in, after a few minutes of trying to go to sleep I felt the bed press down and Izzy climb in on the other side of me. I could hear Axl's soft snores. "Goodnight, Kat." I turned to face Izzy, he pulled the sheet up over his shirtless torso. "Night, Iz." He leaned over and pecked my cheek, before we both drifted to sleep.

(This story is seemingly really slow and boring lately. But, I actually have quite a few chapters written and I will publish them over the course of the next few weeks. Thank you to everyone still reading this story! As long as people still read it I will keep writing it. )

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