Three (The City Of Angels).

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"Kat, wake up." I heard my name being called, I knew it was Will. He shook my shoulders lightly. The sun was shining in my eyes, I was still leaned up against the passenger side door. Around sunrise he had taken over the driving, I could have stayed up, but he insisted I rest so we could take fair turns. "I'm up." My body lurched forward as I streched and tried to pop everything back into place. Will's eyes looked tired, he had dark circles around them. He moved out of the way so I could get out of the car. My arms made their way around his slender body, to embrace him in a tight much needed hug. "You look tired." He looked at me, trying to hide it. I brushed some hair from his face, before realizing Gina was around here somewhere, so I backed off. His eyes glimed with disapointment as I tore my arms away from him. "Where's Gina?" Will looked up at me, wondering why I'd ask that. "She went inside to order us some breakfast." He motioned towards a small restuarent. "Oh." I hadn't realized how hungry I had been, since yesterday morning was the last time I had eaten, it was probably time I do that again. Will stepped forward and leaned against the passenger side door. He wanted to say something about this sudden change of tune between us, I knew he did, but the right words wouldn't come. We'd always been affectionate, overly loving for 'just friends'. Maybe it was because I knew, I was different than the rest of the girls he had always been with and that he'd stayed less than faithful too. His head ended upon my shoulder. "You're a really beautiful girl, Kat." Will stated out of the blue, my mind wondered to all the reasons he would say this for the first time in the history of us knowing one another. I coughed to clear my throat, "Thank you, Will." He stood up again. A puzzling look crossing his clear pale face, he starred into my eyes. "What is it?" My voice broke the silence between us, he shook he head and tore his eyes for mine. "Nothin'." He turned and walked away and headed towards the front door of the little restuarant, leaving me outside in the chilly morning alone. My feet kicked around a few stray rocks, tossing them a few feet and little bit of dirt to fly up. The only thing on my mind was William's strange behavior, I mean- stranger than normal. Little bumps rose over my skin, from the breeze blowing by, I turned towards the car and put my head down, a little harder than expected, causing a little bit of pain, Aren't I stupid? My mind was somewhere else entirely. I was having second thoughts about this whole trip, maybe I should'a stayed home, where there's simple comfort, just being around things that are familer. Now I'm more then half way to California, with no money and less of an idea of what I'm doing with my fucking life then I had before. The door to the little place opened up and Will and Gina strolled out, she was carrying a small bag of food. "Hey, Kat." Gina greeted hopping in the driver seat. My face twisted in confusion as to why she was being so cheery and friendly with me, when we'd never really spoken before. I got in the passenger side, pushing my tattered purse to the side. "Hi." She smiled at me, "You aren't an early riser are you?" She questioned with a laugh, I shook my head. "Not really, they don't bother me though." "I'm in the backseat, huh?" Will said, just now getting in, me and Gina both looked back at him. "Looks like it, Bill." She said, a grin across her face. "Just hand me my food." He stated with fake anger in his voice. I grabbed the paper bag, containing our food and handed it to him.  "Here I don't know whats in there." "Thanks, Kitty Kat." Will had a grin plastered on his face, when he looked at me, Gina looked back at him from the rearview mirror, and he dropped it. I raised an eyebrow at him, and he just over dramaticly grabbed a biscuit from the bag, before lightly shoving the bag towards me. Gina noticed and gave no second warning, but completely avoided the situation in general, she turned around in her seat. There was a thick bit of tension between the three of us in the car, I wasn't really sure why either. So, I pressed the button for the radio, the morning news was playing. Gina roughly put the car into drive. I sat there quitely, trying not to make this situation worse, or make them have some sort of argument. "Aren't you going to eat?" Gina questioned, with an unplesant tone. I shook my head 'yes'. "Go ahead and eat then." My eyes trailed from the side of her face to the bag of food, "Do you want me to get yours out for you?" I asked her. "Sure, sure." She was more calm now. I grabbed both of our bisquits out, handing hers over and unwrapping my own. This was gonna be a long trip.

It was a bright symphony of sophisticated lights, tall building cascaded in smog and dust. You could feel the energy, feel the cars flying down the freeways. It was the most breathtaking view I'd ever seen. People were hanging out everywhere, you could hear music coming from bars and clubs. Will had a joyful look across his face, nothing could stop us now. We were laughing happily in excitement, we were in Los Angeles, California. The City of Angels. "This is crazy." Will whispered to me. We had traveled more then two days to get here, and there's not words to describe the overwhelming feelings. We had the windows rolled down, there was a slight breeze blowing in, you could smell smoke, sewer, factory fumes, it was beautiful. "It is isn't it." I answered him, looking at his shining eyes. Gina was riding in the back and I was in the passenger seat, while Will was driving again. The traffic was slow, I didn't care though we'd finally made it. After not showering, brushing my teeth or anything for almost three days, It would probably be nice to finally be in a motel room. "This is so fuckin' cool." I cheered, leaning my head out of the window. "I know. I can't believe we're actually here." Gina stated- "Now, it's game time." She finished. I remembered she was here for school, and work. Unlike me and probably Will, who just hitched a ride and wanted an escape route. A chance at complete freedom. We could start bands, or join one. Anything was possible here. "Do we know what we're doing first?" Gina questioned, I looked over at Will. He bit the edge of his lip, "I guess we need to find a room." She nodded at his response. We drove for a while, until we reached any place with hotels available in our price range, which was basically nothing. Will went in to book it, while Gina and I stayed in the car. There was just dead silence and dead air feeling the car, I didn't dare make a sound, it was so awkward. I was so transfixed on the view of the street outside the car, I could still see lights everywhere. There was a cigarette store across the way, along with a twenty four hour pawn shop. "How long have you and Bill been friends?" Gina questioned, breaking the empty sound, I turned my attention to her. "Oh, a while. We met before he left High School." Her face changed, as if she was contemplating something. "Why do you ask?" She didn't answer me and the silence started up again. My eyes just went back to the window, not caring whether she gave me a proper response or not. I watched a few cars pass by. A man leave the pawn shop. A pair of Women walked down the sidewalk. "Have you two ever dated?" Gina questioned, getting my attention again. I turned back to face her. "No, we haven't. Why do you ask these questions?" I was more so confused this time, did she think something else was going on between us, did she know we kissed, or was she upset about Will and I being friends in general? "I was just curious, he is just so sweet to you- I'm his girlfriend and he doesn't even treat me, like he treats you?" My eyebrow arched in confusion, "So you're jealous of me!" I was curious as to her thinking, her cheeks turned a little red. "Hell no I'm not jealous of you, I just want to know why you keep coming onto Bill!" I was about to give her a reply when the drivers side door opened up, "I'm back." He put his wallet down next to the gear shift, he looked at me then at Gina, he sensed the awkwardness. "What happened while I was gone?" I shook my head casually, "Nothing." He continued staring at me and I mouthed the words 'I'll tell you later'. He nodded and went about driving to the parking lot of the motel. There was a spot close to our door, it was basically a drive up kind of motel, there was a strong smell of weed coming from the area. I kept looking over my shoulder to see if anyone was there. Will opened the truck up and left Gina and I standing there, so he could open the motel room door. The two of us watched him flip the lights on, checking everything out. He had a tired walk, but looked happy all the while, When he came back he started grabbing our bags out. "I can get my own things, don't worry about it." I lied my hand on his arm, he stopped what he was doing and looked up at me like I had shocked him or my touch was somehow overwhelming to him. "Don't worry... I've got it." My eyes scanned over him, my head nodding slow. I let my fingers move slow down his arm, before resting my arm next to my  side. My heart was hurting softly, and I don't know why, I think it's hurting for him. I love him in more ways than just one.

She Wouldn't Say Goodbye. (Guns N' Roses)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن