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The beautiful brown haired girl kept dosing in and out, in the backseat. The radio was softly played in the background, it was slightly fuzzy from being badly tuned in. Her best-friend Will was driving ten miles over the sixty-five mile speed limit, they were only through one state and there was still a while to go. "You want to pull over and sleep?" The blonde in the passenger seat asked, it was at least two in the morning. He shook his head, "No, I want to get as far as possible." She gave her boyfriend a look, he didn't notice but it made her feel better. Will didn't know what made him have to keep going, but there was something. Maybe he was running from all the shit back in Indiana, that made him miserable, something inside of him doubted that that misery in him would ever change. He was born unsettled, his raising hadn't taught him to calm that any either. "I'm just going to close my eyes for a minute or so, If you want me to drive again just wake me up." Gina said, getting curled up against the window. Will glanced back in the backseat, he had to double check to make sure Kat was still there. Her plain eyes were closed, covered by pale lids, long, black eyelashes casting shadow over the very top of her cheeks. She had her knees up against her chest, a slight frown on her lips. He hoped she wasn't having a bad dream, he felt so protective over her. More times than he could count, he's fought to keep her safe. And every time she payed him back by doing the same. They were wild. If anybody ever had his back it was Kat. He hated the part in him that was overly paranoid, it made everyone hard to trust. And he had learned the very hardest of ways, you cannot trust anybody. His own mother had lied about who he was, where he was from. William saw a few bright lights softly in the distance, scattered out in the far away blackness, like space crafts in the deep blue sky. His eyes felt tired, and so heavy. It's not like the red head wasn't used to late nights, he was very much so. But this had been an emotionally trying day. His emotions were so high at the beginning of this excursion, a part of the young man still felt a heightened sense of excitement and danger. Gina stirred in the side seat, they were rolling into the town that was so far in distance not that long ago. Her sleepy eyes scanned for a road sign, the search coming up unsuccessful. "Can we stop here?" She questioned, her bladder needing a break. He nodded his head, agreeing. He pulled up to a nearest place, which was; McDonalds and parked in a space. She opened her door and got out, rushing to the ladies room. The sound of the door slamming woke Kat up, she rose from the backseat. "Sorry, I fell asleep." He laughed, "Don't worry about it. You were tired." William searched through the channels on the radio stopping to listen to The Rolling Stones; Wild Horses. "Are you hungry or anything?" Will asked, turning to look at Kat. "A drink would be nice, maybe getting out to stretch my legs?" He grabbed the key out of the ignition, "Let's go then." The pair got out, he made sure to lock the car up tight. They strolled into McDonalds a wall clock displayed the time as barely three 'o' clock. "Didn't think it was this late." Kat commented, Will shrugged. "As long as I don't fall asleep." He said, stretching his arms above his head, his graphic tee rising above his navel. The Blonde bound out of the restroom, "Oh, hi guys." She stopped next to her boyfriend. "Hi, what can I get you guys?" A chirpy woman behind the counter questioned, despite the fact it was so late at night, she acted like it was three in the afternoon instead of three at night. Kat looked back at the other two standing there, Gina was looking over the menu. Will walked up beside her. "Do you just want a drink?" She nodded yes. "Two fountain drinks, a hamburger and... What are you getting?" He glanced back at the blonde. "Just a drink." "Okay, than, three drinks and a hamburger that'll be two dollars and thirty cents." Will grabbed the money from his pocket and paid. The cashier handed the trio three cups and they preceded to walk over to the drink bar. "What are you getting?" Will questioned, Kat who was getting ice. She glanced at him, "Diet Coke, I guess?" Her lips looked even more kissable than in the apartment earlier that day, pouty and full. He barely drug his eyes from her, she moved on down the line for a lid, he filled his own cup with ice and beverage. Gina strolled over small Micky D's bag in hand. "Here's your food, babe." He grabbed the bag from her petite hand. "Thank's." She stood on her toes and planted a kiss on the corner of his mouth. The trio walked out of the burger joint. "Hey, Katherine." Gina walked beside the tall, brunette, she kept her inner loath for the name Katherine to herself. "You wanna drive?" Kat glanced over at the small woman. "Sure, I'll take' a turn." Will put the keys in her palm. "You sure you trust her to drive." He joked, waiting for the beauty to unlock the car. "These straight deserted roads, it would be hard for her to wreck us." She exclaimed, leaning against the door, "Besides, I could catch some sleep in the back." William rolled his eyes, "Of course you will." Kat unlocked the doors. The trio got in their respective seats, and he started eating his food. Once the car was on once again and in drive, Kat put in Elton John's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road album. "I love this album." Will smiled at his lady friend. Gina got herself comfortable in the back. "I do too, that's why I put it in." "Want some?" Will asked, holding his cheese burger out to his lady friend. She looked at it temptingly, unsure. "I'd hate to get us killed over'a fifty cent burger." She took a small bite and turned her attention back to the road. "Thank ya' kindly." She smiled in appreciation. Her right hand left the stirring wheel, and searched around for her Diet Coke. Before picking it up and taking a long swig. William threw his McDonalds wrappers down on the floor, wiping his greasy hands on his faded blue jeans. The song Bennie and the Jets began to play in the car, swinging into a old school beat. Kat smiled a large smile at her friend. "This is the song that made you wanna be a performer, isn't it." Will nodded his head, "Yeah, it is. It's such a cool song." His eyes lingered on Kat, who stared at the road intently. Her diamond pupils catching the lights along the highway, As the three exited the sleepy little town, Gina asleep in the backseat. Will and Kat peacefully listening to Elton John in the front.

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