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"Well, I don't know about anyone else but I could surely use a shower, anyone need in there first?" Gina asked, she spun around to look at me, before dropping her panties in the floor. I shook my head no. "Go a'head." Will motioned for her to go on. She picked up her dropped under garments and walked to the bathroom. I stood up from the chair in the corner, as she closed the door. "I guess, I'm gonna go have'a smoke." Will looked at me, with a guilty look on his face. "Let me guess, you smoked the last one?" He nodded his head slowly. "Sorry." I couldn't help but giggle. "It's okay, Doll. I'll walk to the store and get another pack." He gave me a weird face. "Well, let me come with you." He stood from the bed and walked over to the motel room door, and unlatched the chain. "I'm fine on my own ya' know?" I told him, walking out after him. "I know, but a pretty girl like you out in the streets at night, all alone in the city. I don't want you to get killed or something" "Thanks for watching out for me, Will." I said half sarcastically. "Don't call me that anymore, 'kay?" We stepped off the sidewalk. "Call you what?" "Will, I'm going by Bill again." I looked at him, rolling my eyes. "You have such an identity problem, why don't you just go by something else completely. You' know, come up with'a new name?" He looked back at me, "I'll think about it. Come 'ere." I fast walked to catch up with him. "What is it?" "Don't walk so slow." I rolled my eyes, "Stop running than." We found a convenience store and walked in the front, not paying attention to any of the flashing signs from the strip clubs, and stuff near by. "Do you want anything else?" Will asked walking near the counter, an Iranian man perched behind. "No, thanks." "One pack of Marlboro Reds than." The man looks at Will like he's speaking gibberish. Then grabs a pack. "Two dollars and ten cents." I knew my friend was going to flip his lid. "Are you kidding me? Cigarettes cost a dollar, A buck twenty five at most." "Do you not want?" "Sure, just give them to me." Will threw the money on the counter and grabbed the pack. "Learn some fucking English!" He yelled, grabbing me and walking out of the cluttered little place. I tripped over my own feet, running along with Will. "Thanks for the cigs." Will looked my way, his hand still gripped tightly on my arm. "You don't have to thank me." Our pace finally slowed when we reached the motel parking lot, in less then a minute. He abruptly stopped. I tore the plastic off of the cigarettes, dropping the litter on the gravel. I pulled one out and lit it between my lips. "Do you want one, Bill?" He looked at me with tired eyes. "Sure." "Okay, here." I pulled one from the pack. He grabbed the one between my lips. "Hey!" He puffed on my cigarette. "I was gonna get you one of your own William." He smiled a bright grin down at me,  I wrapped my hands around his arm. "You not gonna put up a fight?" My head fell on his shoulder. "No, not this time, Will." He stuck the cigarette, between his lips and brought his arm around me. I lit another smoke. "I love you, Kat. I hope you know that."  "I love you too, Sweetie." I laughed lightly at the awkwardness of the situation. "You know earlier today when Gina and I were alone in the car, when you got the room?" I started- "Yeah, what about it?" "She asked if we had ever dated before, and got really defensive about the fact she thinks you treat me more like your girlfriend than her." He looked down at me, still looking cool and handsome in the dark light. "What did you tell her?" Will seemed generally interested in what had happened. "I said we hadn't ever dated. I asked if she was Jealous of me, she was like 'Hell no, I just wanna know why you keep coming onto Bill!'." He let out a laugh. "You coming onto me, if anyone is coming onto anybody, it's me.. to you. Not the other way around." My eyes became a little wider. "What do you mean by that?" "If you haven't noticed, I'm really into you Kat. I always have been." He puffed his cigarette till it was at the end, he sent it to the edge of the lot. "I don't know what to say, Bill." "Than just don't." He turned around and walked off, walking into the motel room before I could do anything. I threw the last of my cigarette down and stepped on the glowing little bud, walking back to the hotel room. Bill was sitting on the bed nearest the door, Gina standing there wet hair, leaning over his face, kissing him. My eyebrow rose, "I'm gonna go rinse off now." I was so confused, I grabbed my bag, throwing it over my shoulder. The pair payed no attention. I walked into the tiny restroom and turned on the water.

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