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An old blue car pulled up in front of the trashy apartment complex, making a few noises before stopping, the blonde in the front driver seat turned the car off to save the gas that was in the car. William got out of the passenger seat, light red hair, slightly damp from the rain that had been pouring down all morning long. His jacket pulled tight around his slim torso, cowboy boots covered in a respectable amount of dirt. The red head walked up to the second story were his friend lived, and knocked on her door a few times. His hands had been shaking since he packed his bags last night, he really needed to calm down. Her door opened only seconds after the last knock, revealing her sparkly eyes, shining at him, her dark brunette hair thrown over her right shoulder. He smiled at her beautiful appearance. "You ready to go, Kat?" She nodded her head in excitement. "As ready as I'll ever be. I can't hardly believe we're actually doing this!" Her enthusiasm gave him the reassurance he needed, in order to make this long drive. William walked into her apartment, to help get her bags. "I'm glad you're excited about all this." He said, genuinely. She threw her slender arms around him in an unexpected hug, he buried his face in her hair, not wanting to let her go. She smelled like heaven to him. She had taken extra long in the shower that morning, realizing it might be the last time in a while, she'd get to take one. The feelings she felt for him, almost made her unable to pull her arms away. Without the thought in mind, that his current girlfriend was waiting patently in the car, getting ready to take the best-friends almost cross country in her car, with her funding the whole thing as well. He planted a kiss on her pale pink lips. She got lost in the moment, and he got lost in her. Kat's dirty floral suitcase laying across the living room, waiting to be carried to the car. Almost one hundred bucks of her contribution counted in dollars, dimes, quarters and five's lay on the counter. Will's lips finally pulled away from hers, they were breathless and speechless. Kat let her arms drop down to her sides, they each smiled to themselves about the sweet kiss they shared. "Is this everything?" He questioned, looking down at her things. She cleared her throat, "Yes, that's all." She grabbed her ratty ol' hippie style purse and got the money off the counter. "I'll see you in the car, Babe." Will grabbed her suitcase off the floor and walked casually out of the apartment, he closed his eyes for a second, knowing he was alright. His sweet Kat would be there and everything was fine. Kat knew he would make an excuse for what took them so long, once in the car. She stuck the money in her bag and grabbed the apartment keys off the table, she was going to loose everything in here. No Job, means no money. No money, means no anything. She locked it up anyways and threw the keys down in her bag along with anything else small she could take and fit in it. Kat hurried down the steps almost tripping on the leg of her faded bell bottom jeans, but made it without accident. Finding nervousness enter her stomach with it's friends; fear and anxiety when her hand finally touched the door handle, she took one deep breath, before throwing herself in the backseat. Out of courtesy, not anything else, Gina asked her if she had everything she needed. She confirmed she did and the trio started off to the sunny lands of summer; California. Where life was going to change dramatically.

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