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Working wasn't exactly what I would have choosen to do today, but if it making more money to support mine and Steven's band than It wouldn't be too terribly bad. Busting ass to get shit done was my style, I guess this could be considered in that realm of things. But at least working in a music store had it's perks, It was much easier to steal stuff, not that using the five finger discount was my reason of employment. I just happened to have sticky fingers. And there was a paycheck, even after the freebies. I grabbed a stack of Records and started sorting them out according to the artist, so I could put them on the shelves. The bell above the door rang, I turned my head lazily to check it out, since I was the only person on shift at the moment. Some guy in tight black jeans, jet black hair, wearing creepers and pink socks. Total Johnny Thunders kind a guy. He had a piece of paper in his hand. I was standing behind the counter when he approached me. "Hey, man, are you the guy who drew this?" He smoothed the paper out against the counter and handed it over to me. He acted rather impatiently. "I dig it. It's fuckin' cool." I scanned over the wrinkled paper it was a copy of the Aerosmith drawing I had made a while back for Marc Canter. "Yeah, I did it. Thanks." He nodded. "What's your name?" "Slash." "Hey, I'm Izzy Stradlin." "Rad." "I heard you play lead guitar?" This Izzy guy questioned. "Yeah, I do. Have been for quite some time. Where did you get this drawing?" This guy looked permanently stoned, he fiddled around with his sunglasses he had taken off his head. "A friend of mine, had a couple copies of it. I thought it was cool and asked who made it. He mentioned you." I nodded. "Cool, yeah- So, what was it you wanted?" Izzy looked over at the circular clock on the wall. "Well, I've got some place I gotta go. But- If you want I got a tape of my band. We're pretty good- looking for some new players, I could bring a tape by your place, or something?" "Sure, sure- I get off work later on this afternoon." I grabbed a scrap of notebook paper and scribbled down my address. "Here." Izzy grabbed the paper and My Aerosmith drawing. "Thanks, Slash. It was a rad meeting you. I'll bring you a tape." "Sure, Man. I'm interested to hear it." "Alright, than. I'll see ya'." Izzy waved, then left the music store. I'm pretty interested to hear what Izzy's tape sounds like. Another couple customers walked in after him, and started pestering me about what kind of drums would be best for a beginner. I'm glad- I basically went to school and got a degree in bullshitting.


I rolled over in the comforts of Izzy's bed, smelling the fresh scent from the newly washed pillow cases. There wasn't any sunlight coming in the bedroom window, since there were double black out curtains. It wasn't that hard to hear around the whole house and I knew instantly that nobody was home- still. Despite my best wishes I rolled over and got outta bed. It was a little earlier then my alarm was set for, I was used to getting up early by now. I walked to the bathroom and did the necessary morning things and got ready for work. I'd just pick up a little somethin' to eat on the way, If I got hungry, coffee was a must- food was optional. Once I was up the mornings weren't too bad, but it would be a straight lie to say I was a morning person. My attire was dressy, casual. Since I just worked at a gas station down the road, they gave you a jacket to wear over whatever you came to work in. All I need were the keys to the house and I was set off. After putting my shoes on, I locked up and went on my way. Down the same steps and out the main door. Just as I left Izzy's car pulled into the spot. I saw that Bill was driving, he parked and approached me. "Hi, Kat. Where are you going?" He acted normal again, like nothing had happened between us last night. "I've got to go to work. When did Jeff let you borrow his car?" Bill shrugged and I knew that he hadn't officially asked to borrow it. "You took it didn't you?" He didn't reply. "Where did you go last night, Bill?" He took a deep breath, before giving me a harsh look. "Is this twenty questions or something?" He asked, I knew he was about to snap. "No, I should probably head out." I went to walk pass him. "Here, give these to Izzy." Bill handed me the car keys. "But aren't you going in the house?" He shook his head. "Yeah- I'm getting my shit and leaving!" I raised an eyebrow. "Where are you going?" "I'm going to stay with Gina. So, you and your little boyfriend Izzy can have the place to yourselves!" My hands went to his shoulders and lightly pushed him. "That's not true! Me and Izzy aren't together!" Bill rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right! I was born, but it wasn't yesterday, Kat." "Why would I want to be Izzy's girlfriend, and then kiss you!" "I don't know, maybe you want to fuck with me." "He has a girl anyways." I heard somebody walking towards us, before seeing Izzy out of the corner of my eye. "Hey, guys. What's up?" Izzy greeted, stepping into our conversation. "Oh, there you are. See you two can fuck all you want just let me get my stuff first, so you don't get Sperm on anything!" Bill started freaking out. Izzy looked at me a dazed and confused look across his face. "Dude, what's going on?" Izzy questioned. "You are fucking her!" Bill pointed a long bony finger at me. "Bill- What the fuck are you on? I mean- no offence to Kat, but I wouldn't do that." I felt the need to chime in, but I didn't want to make things worse. Maybe Bill and Izzy needed to talk it out? "But?" "But, what Bill. You know we wouldn't do that. I don't wanna be 'that' guy. But, Bill, Man- Kat likes you. Not me or anyone else." Bill looked at me, he went from pissed off to- I don't know what. He just stared. "What about you guys spending so much time together?" "Kat and I are just friends. We hangout because of that reason only, not because we fuck and our trying to hurt you." Bill didn't say anything else, he just turned around and walked into the apartment complex. I left out a heavy breath. While Izzy looked at me still confused. "What the fuck happened, Kat?" What would I tell him, I have no clue what happened. "He was at Gina's- I think. She must have talked this into him. He thinks, or thought we had been sleeping together, or dating. Because we have been spending time together. He threatened to get his stuff and move. Where too I'm not sure. He also took your car last night." Jeff took a real deep breath. "I'm just going to pretend none of this happened. Thanks for telling me, but I'm just going to ignore it. Does he still have the car keys?" I shook my head and handed the keys over. "Thanks, I'll see you later, Kat." He waved and walked to the apartment. "See ya'." I shook my head and let out a little breath. I sat course once again before I missed work.

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