Chapter Thirty-one

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I practically ran down the street, I passed people, pushed people out of my way. All that was on my mind was Kat, I couldn't help but to imagine the worst. She sounded so shattered over the phone. Thankfully she wasn't too terribly far from where I worked, I could hear sirens coming down the street and I didn't know if they were going to where she was. All I could do was sprint as fast as I could, I ran what felt like miles over the course of five or more minutes until I was getting close to the gas station she worked at. I wished she had quit that fucking job, it was sketchy from the start. She had quit her job at the other fucking gas station, did a few random jobs and started working at another fucking station. 

I ran so fast I thought my tennis shoes would fall off my feet. I almost got ran over by a fucking taxi on my way their, despite the fact the taxi driver was cursing me, I hailed him down. I jumped in quickly, as I think he was getting ready to speed off. "Please I need to get to Shell at the end of Fountain."  "You jumped in front  of my car." He stated, turning the car around.  "I know, I'm sorry it's an emergency. I'll give you extra the quicker you get there."  He nodded his head, and sped up towards the end of the street. It was probably another five minutes till we got there. I rummaged around in my pockets, throwing to him whatever I had found there. I jumped out of the car and ran towards the station, seeing a handful of police cars and an ambulance parked outside it. Some young rookie looking guy was starting to try to block off some of the area, but I just passed him as he tried to wave me down. "Sir, stop, you can't go in there it's a crime scene." One of the officers yelled as I went into the convenience store.

I saw a pair of emergency respondents huddled around. They were helping Kat off the floor, or trying to. "Kat!" I yelled once I saw her, she instantly lifted her head and looked at me. She began crying, as I ran over to her, despite the protests coming from the paramedics. Some Police officers came in probably trying to get me to leave. But I just grabbed onto Kat tightly and held her, pulling her into my lap and as close to me as she would go. She sobbed violently as she clung onto my shirt. She had blood on her, and I saw glass shattered around the room.  "Come on you need to go to the hospital." I wrapped my arms around her, tucking them under her legs. "Come on, lay her down on the stretcher." One of the paramedics spoke, rolling the portable bed towards me. "Kat, come on, let's get you straightened out."  I put her down on the bed, as the paramedics rolled her out of the store. I followed closely behind them, making sure Kat could see me. "Are you riding with us, Sir?" One of the medics questioned, as he was getting ready to get in the back of the ambulance. "Yes, yes, I am."  He motioned for me to go ahead and hop in, after I got in he followed suit and shut the heavy door behind us. I was sitting in a small seat on Kat's right side, I grabbed for her hand, as the paramedic began trying to put an IV in her arm. She looked over at me, her tears almost gone now. "Thank you for rushing all the way over here." I stroked the back of her hand with my thumb, trying to sooth her. "It's no problem, Darling." She bit her lip as another tear dripped down her cheek, "Will you try to get a hold of Jeff when we get to the Hospital, I really want to know if he's okay." I nodded my head, "Of course I will." 



Ringing, ringing, ringing. 

I had tried calling our house number at least ten times today. I figured Kat and Axl had work, but one of them should have been home by now. It was almost six in the evening, and I knew Kat got off at Three today because - well, she asked me to call her. I successfully made the delivery's that I needed to and to save money I had just slept in my car, I had been driving on and off all day and had stopped at a rest station to try to call the home number again and let my car rest for a while. I dialed the number once more, waiting for a response and having used the last coins I had. It rang probably eight times, before I heard someone pick the receiver up. 

"Hello?"   "Hey, Axl, I've been trying to call all fuckin' day, Man. What's going on, are you and Kat just now getting back?"  There was a pause.   "Kat's in the hospital, Man. The store was robbed and some guy shot the place up."   I almost dropped the fucking phone, when I heard what had happened.   "Are you shitting me?"   I could imagine Axl shaking his head 'no', with a wild look in his eyes.  "What kind of fucker would do that to her?"  I questioned more to myself, the more I thought about it the more pissed I became. "You know what, I'll be home soon okay. Where is Kat now?"  "She's at the hospital, Iz. I came back to change clothes and get her something to wear when she comes home. Which the doctors said they don't know if she can leave tonight or tomorrow."   "Oh, alright. I'm on my way now. Are you going to be at home or at the hospital?" Axl cleared his throat, "I'll be at the hospital, be careful, alright?"   "Sure thing, Ax, I'll see you soon."  I put the payphone down, before hoping back into my car with urgency. I was probably going to get to Los Angeles in record time. 

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