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-Bill's point of view-

"You're too sweet, Bill." I shook my head. "I'm really not." She knew I wasn't a good person, I wasn't sweet like she said. I tried to be, but for some reason my good intentions always snowball to hell. She looked beautiful, there was quite a bit of breeze, being up in the air made it quite chilly. I held her heels in my hand, at my own request, trying to be as nice to her as possible was my goal. I looked down at my hands, then glanced back at her. Her face came closer to mine and her mouth came in contact with mine, I didn't know why but it was the sweetest thing. She tasted like sugar and cigarettes, I didn't even realize the shoes dropped from my right hand. I touched her face lightly, just wanting to feel how warm and comforting her skin was. She was like home. Just being with her was like that feeling you get when you find something you really love, that really makes you happy. She kept her eyes closed, I only opened mine once to see her face and she was too beautiful for her own good. I felt so intoxicated by her. So when she pulled her lips away there was something cold about the distance I felt next to me. I felt disconnected from everything again. I moved my hand from her face, not knowing if it burdened her being there or not. "I'm sorry, I didn't- I usually don't do things like that." I nodded at her words. I couldn't help but smile at her. "It's fine. I enjoyed it. I really like kissing you." Truthfully I did, kissing her was wonderful.

She looked up at me, reassured that she didn't do something wrong. "I guess we should go right?" Kat nodded. "I guess so." She started down the ladder without saying another word, I ran my tongue across my lip, still tasting the essence she left behind. I don't know what I'm going too do about the way I feel for her. Once I saw she had made it most of the way down, I followed her down the ladder and back to the ground. "So are we all going home now?" Steve questioned, kicking the ground with his shoe. Izzy looked around. "Like I said earlier- I've gotta hit the road. I'll see you guys 'round." I handed Kat her shoes back. She muttered a silent 'thank you' and used me to balance herself while she put her shoes on. Hannah walked over to Izzy. "Am I coming with?" He shook his head 'no'. "Here's some money, catch a taxi." He pulled out some bills and stuck them in her palm. She looked at him like he was the dredges of the earth. Izzy shoved his hands deep into the pockets of his black, leather coat. And walked the other direction off Doheny, back towards Sunset, without saying another word to anybody. Once he was out of earshot, Steve started talking. "Weird guy, man. What does he do all the time?" I shrugged, side stepping closer to Kat. "He's an asshole." Hannah groaned. Kat laughed, "I have no clue. He just hangs around, I guess." I looked at her, how would she know what Jeff does- well they have hung out now stop over the past few weeks. Could Kat possibly like him? She wouldn't do right, I was pretty sure she likes me, but her talking for Jeff like that really rubs me the wrong way for some reason. "You guys want to go get some food or something?" Chris suggested. "I've actually got somewhere to be too." I thought it would be a good idea to think things over, maybe take a walk. Kat looked over at me, an odd look crossing her face. "What about you Katherine, you up for some food?" Steve questioned. "Um, sure. 'You come with us, Hannah?" Izzy's Girlfriend nodded her head. "Sure, Izzy can buy." She held up the twenty spot, with a laugh. My emotions were so conflicted, I couldn't really pin point one feeling. First Kat is getting strange over Izzy, now she's going out to eat with his girlfriend and my friends. "See ya' around, Rose." Steve waved at me, the group started walking back towards the Strip. Kat stayed back. "Are you okay, Bill?" I hadn't realized she was talking, or stayed behind til I felt her soft fingers touch my arm. I forced a smile onto my face. "Absolutely. I'll see you around." I touched her arm in return, kissing her middle and index fingers, before letting her hand drop.

I turned away from her and started heading down the opposite way. I could still feel her eyes on me as I was walking away. Until I got some distance between us, did I think to look back at her. She was walking side by side with Hannah and Chris, Steve walked in front of them. She looked like she was having fun- fun without me. I wandered around town till I ended up back at our apartment. Izzy had left his car there and I thought he would really mind If I borrowed it, since he might not even make it back to the apartment until tomorrow, knowing him. I let myself into our apartment and got his keys from the counter. I made sure the house was locked, don't want intruders or anything. Once I had the place locked up, I headed back down the steps and to his car. I stuck the key in the lock and unlocked, before sitting down  in the driver seat. We lived in West Hollywood, off the Strip and for some strange reason I found myself taking towards Whitley Avenue, the old place were Gina and I used to live.  Was I making the right decision by going to see her, I couldn't hurt right? I mean- she is my friend and I need somebody to talk too. Like I could talk to her about liking Kitten anyways. Her little brick complex come into view sooner then expected and I hadn't been mentally prepared to talk to her again anyways. What were the chances of me walking out of this place without having my mind picked to death. I stopped the car outside her place and looked around to see if she was even there. And sure enough her car was parked in it's spot. I threw the car in park, parallel to the street and turned it off. It was just a short across the street and up the steps to her place. And before I knew it I knocked lightly on her door. "Coming!" I heard her drop whatever she was doing and softly step to the door. Gina opened the door, but kept the chain latched from the inside, so she could see who was outside. She looked very surprised to see me. "Will, what're you doing here?" "I came to talk, but If you don't want too. I can leave, really." I began to turn around, she shut the door and unlatched the lock. "No, come on in, you drove all this way." Gina stepped aside and let me into her place. I felt awkward. I didn't really have a clue why I came here. "Sit down, If you want." She gestured to the couch. "How have you been?" She questioned, taking a seat herself. "Well- I've been pretty good, I guess. And you?" She smiled. "I've been doing pretty good. Working hard, studying like crazy."  "Aren't you mad at me still?" I questioned her. "About what happened between us?" She answered my question, with another. I nodded my head in response. "No, should I be. You wanted to come to California and didn't have another ride. I get it." I didn't understand why she wasn't mad at me. Did she think I used her, 'cause that's what it sounded like? "You went to New York with that one guy, had no money. So you planned out coming here, I was your ride." I shook my head at her. "No. You were my girlfriend, I didn't use you." "Is that why Katherine came too?" Fuck, I knew it would go this way.  "I didn't really come here to fight, Gina." "Then what did you come for?" I thought for a second or two for a good answer to her question. "To see you." Gina closed her eyes, and held her head. "Bill, that's sweet."  "Can we just talk as friends?" I asked her hopeful. "But that's just not fair, Bill. I was your girlfriend. I wanted to still be yours, I thought we 'loved' each other." I made a face as she mention us loving each other. "Gina I don't understand this." She got up from her spot on the love seat and sat beside me, she placed her hand on my knee firmly. "You do understand though. You wouldn't have come here if you didn't, I know you. Things are tough right now with Kathy, right?" I cringed at the mention shortening Katherine to 'Kathy'. It wasn't a bad name, but- God, Kat hated being called that. "Kat." I corrected her. "Sorry, Kat. But things are they tough with her right now. Aren't they?" I nodded yes slowly.

"I think she likes Izzy." She made a confused face. "Oh, you don't- That's Jeff. He go's by Izzy now." "Oh, okay. Go on."  "Well- I went to record some music with Rapidfire and they hangout. I mean- they're so close. Ugh, fuck." I threw my body back. "See this is why we should still be together. I knew that Girl was no good." "The thing about it is though- me and Kat aren't even together. But her and Jeff just makes me so fuckin' mad." Gina slid her hand up my knee to my thigh. And leaned back. "Sweetheart. Why don't you stay here then. If it bothers you so bad, you don't need to be around people that hurt you like that." She was right, but would it do me any good?


"Come on, eat more than that." Steve nagged Hannah. She picked at a half empty bowl of A side salad. "Fuck you, Steve." She joked, throwing a cherry tomato his way. "What do you guys wanna do after this?" Chris asked, trying his attention back towards the table, he'd been starring at the bright Sunset Strip from the window. "It's like two-thirty, I should probably go back to the apartment and see if Izzy or Bill's there." "Awe, you sure?" Steve questioned, talking with his mouth full of french fries and Ketchup. I smiled at his goofy-ness. "Yeah, I'm sure." "You need us to walk you back?" Chris questioned. "No, I think I'll be alright. Besides I've gotta get to work early tomorrow." "Okay then, will we see you at the next A.X.L rehearsal?" Chris questioned. "I don't know, depends on what day's I've got off." He nodded in understanding. I dug around in my purse for a couple dollars. "Here's for  what I ate." I sat the money on the table. "Oh, no. Don't worry about it." Steve said holding up his wallet. "I got dough." He slid the money back towards me. "Are you sure?" He nodded. "Positive." "I'll see you guys around." I stood and gather my stuff. "See you, Kitty Kat." Hannah waved, a smile plastered across her thin lips. "See you, Kat." Chris waved me away as well. Steve muttered a goodbye, with another mouth full of fries, as I opened the door to Carney's restaurant. It was a little bit of a walk back to our place. So I decided taking a taxi wouldn't be such a bad idea. There was a pay phone on the corner, just a few steps from the diner. The phone book hadn't been ripped out either, I looked up a service and dialed. There was only going to be a three minute wait since there were drivers in the area. They were pretty true to the three minute thing too, because I pretty much felt the minutes pass by. I slid in the back of the yellow cab. "Hello, there. Where too?" I had to think for a second, before giving him directions to Izzy's place. He headed down the Boulevard. I wasn't too good at conversation, so I didn't ask anything or try to be social. Honestly I was kind of tired it had been a strange few weeks, and I was ready for some good rest. Most likely Izzy wasn't back yet, I didn't know if Bill would be. He acted so strange earlier, I must have said something to make him act so much differently, so quick. It would be nice if he'd be there when I got back. We could talk about what happened, make amends, and then just go to bed. The driver pulled up to the building and stopped the cab. "This it?" He questioned, looking back at me. "Yes, thank you. How much do I owe you?" "Six-thirty seven." I grabbed my wallet and counted out a five, a one and the correct change. "Here, thank you, sir." He nodded. "No, problem, Miss." I knew that included tip, so I didn't bother giving him any extras. After exiting the cab and watching it speed off. I automatically noticed Izzy's car wasn't in the drive way anymore and got a little worried. But I assumed that He must have been the one to come and get it. I let myself in the building, and made my way towards are apartment. After unlocking it and making it safely. It was pretty apparent nobody was home, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. I'd have the place to myself for the night.

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