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After we ate our breakfast or dinner, Bill and I hailed a cab to our building. We climbed the newly familiar stairs and unlocked the apartment with our shiny newly made key. After throwing my things down by the door, I stood in front of the TV. "What do you wanna watch?" I questioned, bending down to the little television set. "What ever is down there I guess." Bill said, with a little less than interest. I stood up, grabbing a random VHS "How does 'Don't Go in the House' sound?" The Handsome Man nodded in my direction, "Sounds great." He turned around and walked out of the living room towards the bedroom, putting the VHS down on the sofa.  I followed to get changed into my night clothes. Will was stripping of his clothes as well and was just standing there in his boxer shorts. And it wasn't strange at all to me, but it was something different than watching him change now, then when I was a teenager. He turned around to look at me, before continuing to shift through a pile of shirts. He was so attractive to me, just the way his pale body moved. His muscles stretching and moving, every little detail, years ago any man could have undressed before me and of course being a horny teen, I would have found something sexual about it. I've had several boyfriends and a handful of male friends in general undress in front of me and not one of them made me feel this way, without even trying. I tried to push the naughty thoughts from my head and threw my top off and to the floor, then slipping my jeans down as well, they landed down on the floor with a very light thud. Bill stood up, shirt in hand, turned around to face me and slipped the thin white fabric over his body. Trying to be normal once again I strolled past him, after picking up my worn clothes, I made it towards my unworn items. I could feel his green eyes scanning over me, as I began looking for some comfort wear. Bill stood just inches away.  I found my night clothes much quicker then he seemed to and to further comfort myself and maybe entice Bill a little. I reached around to the thin, black clasp on my bra. Flexing my own muscles and throwing it down in front of me into the soft pile. I stood up all to quickly, causing a few black spots to cloud my vision only for a moment. Then began to inside out my shirt. Chills rose to my skin, feeling fingers brush across my bare shoulder blade, I turned my head to the side, watching Bill as he came and stood behind me, running his warm palms down my bare sides, resting his hands just above my hips, in loose fists. His soft plump lips, meeting the top my shoulder, my insides were hot, just waiting for the next place his skin would touch mine. I knew he'd seen me without any clothes on several times before, we grew up together for God's sake, but we had never done anything quite like this. I turned around to face him the black Ramones tee shirt I planned on wearing still clutched tight in my hand. Without hardly breaking eye contact, he grabbed the shirt from my hand. Turning the shirt the right way, I raised my arms as he slipped the loose fabric over my slender frame, once again he rest his hands just above my hips. He began to lean into me and I found myself with my eyes closed, meeting him halfway. It was the most beautiful thing, his lips pressed against mine. My hands rose to hold soft and firm onto his perfect arms, slipping my little fingers under his sleeves. His hands pressed a little stronger to my body, like he was trying to dissolve himself into me, without any spoken words we kissed in sync and I brought my body closer to him. Feeling every curve of him close to me. His left hand he placed softly against my cheek, before opening my eyes, Bill pulled his lips from mine, stopping our kisses right there. I opened my eyes to look at him. As if reminding himself the reality of the situation, I was supposed to be his closet female friend, nothing more. Bill brushed his thumb over the corner of my mouth, then over my just barely swollen lips, before taking both of his hands away and retreating to the living room, like lightening striking then fading away, so quick and it was done.  I stood in shock and awe of the entire ordeal, I still felt the hot imprints of his hands on me, touching me, brushing my skin. My breath was only a bit shaky as I found my pajamas shorts, putting them on in haste. Gaining my bearings, before I could imagine the awkward tension I knew I'd face from strolling into the living room. Did that really just happen to me?

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