Thirty Seven

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Over the next week it was close to a regular routine, (if you could call it that). It had just been Izzy and I moseying around the house. We (meaning me), indulged in chores, taking the laundry, even buying bug repellent as to rid this horrid place of the even nastier bugs.  Izzy had been playing with London, having denounced the idea of playing with Axl in Hollywood Rose any longer.  I continued to work most nights at the strip club, thankfully Izzy wasn't too questioning as to where I was going. I told him I had gotten a job doing paperwork at a local office, and couldn't be there during the day. Horrible lie probably, but it was the first thing that came to mind. 

I was sitting on the sofa reading when Izzy got back from selling drugs presumably. "Hey." I didn't look up from the paper, but I watched from the corner of my eye as he tossed his cap off and discarded his coat. "I ran into Axl." He sounded mad. "Oh, really. How is he?" Izzy walked over towards the side table in the corner opening a small bottle of Fireball. "He's doing good, he's staying with Slash. They are playing shows as Hollywood Rose." The guitarist chugged half of the cinnamon whiskey before settling down.  I sat my paper down, actually surprised Axl wouldn't have even told me about him staying with Slash or the fact he had moved on with Hollywood Rose without Me, or Iz.  "They've put on shows?" Izzy nodded, red in the face.  "Or at least that's what Axl and Slash said."  "Who all is in the band now?" I questioned him.  "Axl, Slash, Steve Darrow and some guy named Steven Adler, who apparently is Slash's friend."   "Well- I'm kind of surprised that Axl hasn't even called us."  "He is staying with Slash at his mother's house, why would he wanna come back here," Izzy said matter of fact, grabbing a cigarette from his pocket.  "I guess he wouldn't," I said more to myself than Izzy. Admittedly I was feeling pretty hurt and dejected, Axl hadn't even bothered to call me? I mean- even if he is mad at Izzy. That has nothing to do with me or our relationship.  Izzy must have noticed my change in mood, because he extended his arm to me, holding the bottle of Fireball out. Which I took putting my lips on the edge tasting the strong cinnamon alcohol, before swallowing a good amount of the liquid.  "We could go out drinking tonight if you want too?" Izzy suggested crossing his legs, taking a breathy puff from his cigarette. "That might actually be fun, Iz. Let's go." He nodded, standing up to go find his hat. I sat the fireball down on the table and began trying to find an outfit to quickly throw on.


Kat and I went out later that night heading towards the Rainbow for drinks. We both were seated at the bar, I had downed a few beers along with a couple shots, Kat had been sipping Bacardi and Cokes all night. Some girl she said she knew from some random place was perched on the barstool next to her. I wasn't finding very much amusement as the two women talked, I was looking for some kind of prospect, or scheme to get involved in for the night. Not very many other women had even passed by and I was thinking of all the naughty things I could do to whatever her name was, that Kat was talking to. It was pretty obvious to me that Kat had little to no interest in sleeping with me, based on the many opportunities we'd been in to 'get it on' so to say. A part of me wished that wasn't the case as somewhere inside I had shoved the feelings I'd had for Kat down never to be admitted to, but it seemed like she liked Axl or just wasn't interested. I motioned the barman over and order myself a Seven and Seven, asking the bartender to go a little heavy-handed with the Seagram's because I was pitying myself here. Furthermore, I was having an even worse time because I was sitting here basically alone. And I quickly began imagining myself to be some terrible old man that dies from his liver exploding from years of alcohol abuse, 'cause hey don't only alcoholics go to a bar to drink alone.' The bartender handed me my drink, thankfully not putting a straw in it, because we were already past the pleasantries. Even I know how cynical I sound. My interests suddenly perked, watching a five-foot-nine, pretty brunette walk back and sit down halfway towards the end of the bar. Now I was interested. I knocked back the rest of my drink, keeping an ice cube in my mouth. She ordered a Mojito and sat there sipping it slowly, puckering her plump lips every time she raised the glass to her mouth. Before making my way towards her I ordered a drink. Getting another Seven and Seven, I casually got off of my barstool, checking my balance before walking over to her, hoping her boyfriend (if she had one) didn't show up and try to have a brawl with me. Thankfully there was an empty seat to her right, which I took greedily.  "Is this seat taken?"  She looked at me and shook her head, "No, it's not actually." 

Thus commenced the two of us chatting, drinking, and smoking. I really wanted to get laid. As bad as that sounds to admit, nothing more- nothing less. I glanced overseeing Kat still sipping her drink, talking to her friend. Without persuasion I left with this girl, finding an hourly motel not far from the bar.

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