Twenty Two

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(Sorry it's kind of short, but I will work on more later. Hope you guys like it.)


-Three days later-

I sat on the full sized bed next to Axl, doddling in his song journal. While he sat there eating a bowl of noddle soup. We were both waiting on Izzy to get back, he had called us from from some guys house out in Compton. He stated he was taking the bus back to Laural Canyon after he left the house, which was about two hours ago; It takes an hour and a half to get back from that area of town. He'd been gone all day. I really worried about him going to areas like that, in fear of him getting mugged, or worse. Most people around town knew he sold drugs, smack mostly and I didn't know what they might do to him if they wanted his drugs at a discount. They might just shoot him and take everything that he's got on him. "Axl?" He looked up from the TV.  "What?"  "Do you think Izzy's alright?" He nodded his head, slurping his soup up.   "Sorry- yeah, I think he's alright. Iz knows how to handle this scene, Kat." I pursed my lips, drawing a couple random squiggly lines on the paper. "Are you sure?" He raised his eyebrow at me. "Yeah, I'm sure." Axl went back to his soup again, while I sat there trying to calm my nerves. I stood up crossing the small room, opening to door to see if I could see his car coming up the canyon. "Kat, he's fine for fucks sake, what's up with you?" I turned back to look at Axl, who had sat his plastic bowl down to confront me.  "Nothing's 'up' with me, Bill. Izzy went to fucking Compton, California to sell drugs- Heroin to be exact. I'm worried about his safety. There's been a lot of gang stuff going on in that area."  "That's California, Kat. This isn't Indiana, where there isn't too much crime and even less Police officers. I thought you'd be used to this by now, Babe. And don't call me Bill, please."   "I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me, Ax." He stood up and walked over to the door.  "I think, I do. You've been dippin' into Izzy's stash a little too often, if you ask me."  "That's not true and you know it. At least I've not constantly got a big joint in my hand." Axl rolled his eyes,  "I'm not in the mood to fight right now, Kat. Just let me eat my soup!" I burst out laughing, at Axl's whining.  "And stop laughing at me!" He threw himself back down on the bed, before picking up his soup. I walked over to the TV and grabbed a pack of Marlboro Reds off the top, taking Axl's lighter with me.  "Don't smoke all my cigarettes either, Woman!" He yelled out, I shut the door behind me so I couldn't hear his slurping noises anymore. Boys are gross, the rumors are true. Just as I lit a cigarette from the pack, I saw Izzy's car pull up the long drive way. He parked the car and I could see someone in the passenger seat with him. Izzy and this guy got out of the car and strolled over to where I was sitting. This guy looked to be about our age, he was tan, with really curly black hair. He dressed like a skater kid and he seemed to have a personality to match his 'skater' look.  "Hey, Kitty Kat." Izzy greeted. I stood up, in case they wanted to go inside. "Who's this?" I asked Iz trying to sound friendly.  "This is Slash, he is here about that ad I put in the Recycler, I ran into him on my way back and we decided to come back here so he could met Axl."          I nodded.  "Cool, It's nice to meet you, Slash. I'm Kat." I stuck my hand out to him, and he happily shook my back.  "It's nice to meet you too, it's always lovely getting introduced to a pretty lady." Slash said, letting go of my hand. I smiled warmly at him, puffing on my cigarette.  "Anyways, I'll let you two get to business." I said, pushing our front door open.  "Why don't you two come in, it's like six hundred degrees our here." I stated, Izzy grabbed the pack of Marlboro Reds from me and lit one, while we walked inside. "You want a cigarette, Man?" Izzy offered.  "Sure, thanks." Slash took one from him and lit it with his own lighter. "Let me introduce you to Axl if we put together a project I think he should sing for it." Izzy stated, I closed the door behind the boys. Axl was sitting on the bed he had abandoned his soup bowl and was chatting loudly as Axl does on the phone with God only knows who. Izzy just shook his head, 'cause he knew Axl might never get off the phone. Axl looked our way and nodded his head in acknowledgement that Slash was here, but he had no clue who he was. He didn't know what was going on. Izzy shook his head. "Anyways, you wanna talk music?" Slash grinned and nodded his head. "Yeah, Man."

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