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Your POV

So, it was decided that I was going to kiss her and hope and pray that she doesn't kill me. I walked out of the bathroom and outside over to where i see the idiots talking. They look up and smile when they see me and then look expectantly at White. I sit down Infront of her and just when I'm about to reach for her hand.


The bell went off startling all three of us. "Where are now (y/n)?" Blues soothing voice asked after the bell finished. "With Yellow for... Fuck!" "Are you alright sta- (y/n)?" She did it again. "Yes. It's just that I have observe one of my classes that I would be normally attending." "Do you have to participate?" "No, I'm not supposed to intervene. I'm just there to keep an eye on you three. You are my Diamonds after all." The three of them smiled which warmed my heart.

For all their flaws and genocidal tendencies, they could be cute.


"Where are you two?" "I have year 13 English. White?" "I have year 12 chemistry." "Ooh. Rocks. You'll enjoy that one." "Rocks?" "The teacher likes rocks. A lot." "Really?" "Really." "What does he talk about rocks for!?" "So, it's really in there. I know the three types are; Ignis, sedimentary and metamorphic. I know how each of them is made and where the best places to find them are." "Sounds exciting." "Trust me. It makes you wish you could steal one of his rocks and smash your head against it."

They all laughed at that which made me smile. "Right. My Diamonds, I believe we should get going." I did a little bow as I said 'my diamonds'. This made them giggle. We started walking through the corridors dropping off the other two diamonds. Once Yellow and I were alone she said one thing that made me blush. HARD.

"So, (y/n)." "Yes?" "White thinks your cute." Both my brain and heart stopped completely. Was she being serious? This was Yellow she was always serious. Right. Right! "Yes, I'm being serious. She thinks you don't feel the same after you left. Blue and I had to give her a pep talk just to give her courage." Courage for what? She's White Diamond she should have enough courage to do anything she wants!?

"Courage for what?" My voice was wary. "Why, asking you out of course." I stood deadly still. Yellow waved her hand Infront of me. "Are you still there?" "Yeah. Let's just get to Physics." Yellow shrugged as I lead the way. What I failed to notice was her proud smile and small laugh as I walked past her.

When we entered the classroom, all eyes turned to me and Yellow. Isn't this just fucking fantastic! "Miss (y/l/n) it would appear you have brought a special guest. If you two could sit at the back to observe that would be lovely." "Sir! Doesn't she have to be in this lesson." "No miss Turner. She is excused from lessons for the week." Kelly let out a huff.

The lesson carried on but I would always catch Kelly giving me death glares. Everytime she did Yellow would pull me toward her. This annoyed Kelly even more and Yellow knew this and enjoyed messing with her.

The lesson was fine except for Kelly. At the end of the lesson, Yellow and I helped clean up the pieces of paper and put chairs under desks. As Yellow and I are leaving I feel tap on my shoulder.

I turn around to see Professor Magics holding three pieces of paper out toward me. "homework. You may not have to participate in lessons but it doesn't mean that you can avoid homework." I begrudgingly take the paper. "fine." "good, otherwise I would have to tell your father." "yeah, no. I'm not spending two weeks in a shared dorm like last time." He laughed at that while Yellow was confused.

"my father is the headteacher. Meaning, he can move me and my classes around as punishment just to mess with me." She just said 'oh'. "right, shall we go and find the others." "yes, we shall, my Diamond."

We left and made our way up to the dorms. When we get into the corridor, we hear noise from Blues room. "you go ahead, I have to do this homework."

"see you later." 

White Diamonds Human Girlfriend (white diamond X human! Female! Reader) Where stories live. Discover now