Confession (Chapter 32)

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At the Terrace

Jimmy: Now tell me.

Nicole: Okay if you want to listen.

Chris: Guys I think-

Nicole: I like Chris.

Jimmy: But-

Nicole: He cares for me. He is always there for me whenever I need a helping hand.

After a brief silence

Jimmy: Okay. 

Jimmy smiled and patted on Nicole's head

Jimmy: I always thought you're immature and not able to take your decisions. But I was wrong. I hope you are happy with Chris and he will take care of you.

Jimmy (to Chris): I hope you will take care of her?

Chris: To be honest, I still don't know what is going on.

Jimmy (laughing): Ah, you have a good sense of humor too.

All of them returned back. In the evening Nicole texted to Chris.

Chat Screen

Nicole: Hi

Chirs: Hey?

Nicole: Just wanted to tell you something.

Chris: I am not free tomorrow for another tour with you guys.

Nicole: Jimmy has returned back.

Chris: Okay, so it's good for you.

Nicole: I wanted to tell you about today's confession.

Chris: Yeah?

Nicole: It was just to drive away Jimmy from us. I have nothing to do with you or your feelings. So don't get your hopes too high.

Chris: I knew you were lying.

Nicole: Still I wished to inform this perverted Octopus.

Chris: What!? I became a perverted octopus from octopus?

Nicole: Yeah.

Chris: This is not a good thing-

Nicole: Okay, bye Chris. I'm tired now, will talk later on.

Chris: Wait!!

Nicole: What?

Chris: I wanted to tell you something.

Nicole: Not today Chris. I'm tired.

Chat Screen Closed

Next day at school.

Chris had got a new hairstyle.

Mark: Hey that looks cool on you.

Chris: Isn't it!?

Mike: If I'm not wrong that is

Chris: The hairstyle of famous singer Ubazaka.

Mark: More precisly your favourite singer.

Chris: Yeah, but he is famous too.

Mike: I don't think so.

Nicole entered the classroom

Nicole (laughing): Who's this?

Chris: Don't laugh.

Nicole: Suddenly chaining your hairstyle won't make you popular.

Chris: This is my new Ubazaka hairstyle.

Nicole: You don't look like Ubazaka from any angle.

Chris: You don't need to tell me.

Nicole: I'm follow him since the last 4 years, so I know him better than you.

Chris: Really!?

Nicole: Don't worry let me make it better for you.

Nicole: Don't worry let me make it better for you

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Chris: Stay away from me.

Teacher enters the classroom

Teacher: Okay students settle down.

After the Class

Chris: Hey Nicole are you free today? I wanted to tell you something.

Nicole: I don't know.

Chris: It is important.

Nicole: Okay you can meet me at the basketball complex in the evening.

At the Basketball Complex in the Evening

Chris: Hey Nicole!

Nicole: Who's this? Oh you.

Chris: Nobody is here-

Nicole: Yeah today's practice session was cancelled. So I thought to practice it by myself.

Chris: Oh it's good.

Nicole: You wanted to tell me something?

Chris: Yeah.

Nicole: So tell me.

Chris: It's about that day.

Nicole: Which day?

Chris: That day.

Nicole: Which day I am not understanding what you are trying to say. Tell it clearly.

Chris: That day when you told that you like me.

Nicole: Oh about that? I told you forget about that. It was just to get myself away from my cousin Jimmy. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings that day.

Chris: No actually-

Nicole: What are you trying to say?

Chris: I..I....want to say..that..I..want

Nicole: Chris we don't have the whole day.

Chris: say that I like you.

After a brief silence

Nicole (laughing): It is a good prank. You are taking revenge of that day.

Chris: What!?

Nicole: But I'm not a fool.

Chris: But I'm serious.

Nicole (giggling): You are probably shooting this. Where is your camera?

Nicole tried to search Chris but Chris pushes her away.

Chris: Nicole I'm serious about you.

Nicole: Chris I already told you that I don't have any such romantic feelings for you. It's not like I hate you. You always help me and I really like to spend some time with you but I'm not in love with you.

Chris (smiling): Thank You Nicole for telling me this. I wanted to get it off my chest. I'm sorry if I disturbed you.

Nicole: But-

Chris: Goodbye Nicole.

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