The new neighbour(chapter 1)

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"Knock knock!" Chris heard a knock on the door of his room while he was busy in studying. "What?" asked Chris. His mom replied, "Son we have a new neighbour, they are shifting to the house adjacent to ours, come and pay a visit". "Finally that house is going to be adopted" thought Chris to himself. "Mom I am busy in my studies, not now" replied Chris to his mom.

Chris is usually happy with his books. "How do I get it.....?Hmm Done I may just substitute sin(x) as t then I will get the required equation". He was deeply involved in his studies when he heard his mom "Son come down for dinner". "What?? Dinner" thought Chris. He looked at the clock. It said 9 PM. He couldn't imagine it was just 5 PM a moment ago and now it's 9. He got up and looked into the mirror. 

He analyzed his face closely. He was handsome but somehow his eyes appeared to be that of a criminal. His eyes make him look like an intimidating delinquent and causes many misunderstandings because people find him scary, all making him a negative hero. Girls feared him but some had a secret crush on him as well. Due to the misunderstandings due to his looks, as well as how he grew up, he tends to look down on himself. Despite this, Chris is calm in most of the situations and is responsible, smart and has good grades. That cold looking eyes yet a spark of handsome ,it was all ironical. He sighed.

"Chris?" comes a sound from downstairs. "Coming mom" replied Chris. He was about to close the windows of his room when he saw a shadow of a girl in the adjacent house in the same level of floor on which he was living. "Maybe she is the new neighbor mom was talking about. Hmmm....her room is just in front of mine. Our windows are facing each other", thinking this he closed the windows and turned off the lights of his room.

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