Hospital(Chapter 26)

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Chris was returning from his extra P.E. classes at his school.He remembered that his mom had asked him to bring some items from the market.He headed towards the market.He was very tensed and scared,which was clearly visible on his face.His eyes had grown weak.He could not walk properly.Just then a man on his bicycle came and halted near Chris.Chris was surprised."Hey,do you know this address" asked the man."Yes,take the first left turn and you will be there".replied Chris."Thanks.By the way why are you so confused and tired?"asked the man."What!No no I am ok"."Come on is there something I can help you out with?"."No thanks".The man nodded and left.

Chris had a flashback what happened recently in his life.He remembered how Nicole met the accident and was laying down on the road with blood covering her entire body.That day he screamed and cried extremely.He could remember the siren amd light of the ambulance which took Nicole to the hospital.It had nearly one week after the accident.The doctors said that Nicole had gone into coma and didn't knew how long would it take for her to respond.He remembered one lady doctor saying that she may never come to life again.

Aftrr purchasing the stuffs from market,he decided to visit Nicole.He opened the door of her room where she was resting.He sat near her and held her hand.He could remember their past.How jolly it was.A tear fell from his eyes to her hand.Nicole knew what was going on.Hwr brain was working perfectly,she was just unable to move or respond.As Chris held her hand,she thought,"This warmt,this softness,it must be Chris".She tried her best to wake up amd hug him but all in vain.After sometime Chris left and went home.He sat on the sofa,just then his telephone ringed."Mom please pick up the phone..Mom!!"Chris called his mom but then remembered she's at Mrs.Taylor's home.He then himselfed picked up the phone.It was a call from the hospital."She's responding.She moved a bit.Please come-".Without listening to the full message Chris jumped in joy and headed like a fast car to the hospital,alone.He trashed the door and called "Nicole,Nicole..wake up..Nicole!! please!!" shaking her.

Just then he felt a hand on his shoulder.It was the doctor.

Doctor:I think you didn't heared the full message.

Chris:Full message!!??


Doctor:I said she responded but again went to coma after a while.After checking all the medical reports again and seeing her body nevers failing we are sad to tell that she has just 20 hours left.

That broke Chris.

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