The Clash(chapter 18)

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The next day all of them had school.


As Nicole entered the class she looked for William. When Sara came, she acted like normal.

Sara: Good morning Nic.

Nicole: Hi Sara.

Sara: Thank God you came early today.

Nicole: Why?

Sara: Uh..actually I had forgot my if you can give me yours I can copy them down. I promise I will never forget the next time.

Nicole: Sure. Here it is.

Sara: Thank you.

Sara took her class register and disappeared.

When Nicole sat on her desk, she was going through the last day's notes. William entered the class but Nicole didn't noticed him. William slowly approached her with a bunch of flowers in his hand.

William: Hi Nicole

Nicole: Oh..Hello William.

William gives her the flowers.

William: Here it is for you.


William: Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl.

Nicole: But why?

William: Yesterday you helped me with my studies so it's just a-

Nicole: Oh thank you William.You are so cute.

She winks at him.

William: Uh....Nicole can I ask you something?

Nicole: Yes.

William: If you are free this weekend can we go out..I mean for a

Nicole: Hangout?

William: If you are not free then it's not necessary.

Nicole: No no no no..I am free....I will come.

William: Thank you.

Chris was observing all this from a distance . Just then the teacher entered the class.

Teacher: Ok class, settle down we are going to start.


Chris was roaming alone in the corridor during the break time and teasing random girls.Just then William, intentionally, bumped his shoulders into him.

William: Oh out your step.

Chris: What?....You should watch your step.

William: Now kid, don't boil my blood. Just say sorry and leave.

Chris: What? You should say sorry.

William:(laughing)Are you joking?

Chris held him by his collar.
William tightened his fists and was about to punch him when Nicole came running to them.

Nicole: Guys, what are you doing!!??

William: See, he is disturbing me.

Nicole: Chris leave him and get off our way.

Chris leaved him.

William was about to punch Chris in the face when Nicole stopped him.

Nicole: No William, leave him at his fate. We should not interact with this octopus. It is his job to disturb others. I am going to the canteen. Will you join me William?

William: Yes sure just give me a second.

Nicole moved of from them and proceeded to the canteen. "Meet me at the football ground at 6 pm. I will teach you a lesson. Come alone if you had got guts" whispered William in Chris' ear before catching up with Nicole.


Chris reached at the football ground at time to see William waiting with other guys for him. He approached them.

William: So you have finally come poor boy?

Chris: To teach YOU a lesson.

Before he could say anything one of the boy grabbed him from his back and arm locked him. William punched him as well as the other boys. They continued to do so for a few minutes. Chris fell to the ground.His mouth was bleeding, so was his nose.Just then William saw Nicole coming towards him. "Shit who called her here" thought William to himself.
Nicole quickly approached them and saw Chris and all the other boys along with William.

Nicole: William what is this?What happened-

William: Nicole let me explain. When you left us in the break Chris threatened to teach me a lesson and asked me to come here. I told my friends about it, they wanted to join me but I said denied them. I came here alone but my best friends followed me secretly. He punched me twice in the face but I finally let him know his status and as you can see he is falling in the ground .My friends tried to help me but I declined that it is a matter between me and Chris only.

Nicole: Oh..I see.You did the right job by beating him. This wild animal deserves this fate only. By the way you are really very strong.

William: Am I? But Nicole why did you came here?

Nicole: I just came here to buy some groceries from the supermarlet.I took this route, through the Football Ground, as it was the shortest route to my home.

William: Oh,can I walk you to home....just to ensure your safety?


Chris was laying on the ground half unconscious listening to them but unable to respond.

Nicole: Let's go.

William: But what about Chris?

Nicole: Leave him at his fate.

William waved goodbye to the rest of his gang and Nicole and William together went away. Chris was still laying on the ground.

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