Chris' Revenge(chapter 19)

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Chris somehow managed to stand up and got home. That day he didn't ate dinner. He had got a blue eye and bruises on his face. He decided to tell Nicole the truth. He decided to send a chat message to her.


Chris: Hey Nicole listen.

Nicole: Now what have you got to say?

Chris told him everything, that he was innocent and was all planned by William.

Nicole: think that I would believe you?

Chris: I hope.

Nicole: You shouldn't.

Chris: He is no good for you.

Nicole: Shut up.

Nicole blocked Chris on the chat messenger.

The next day Chris was not able to go to school. But he went to school the day tomorrow.

Chris entered the class.

Mike: Oye..Chris.

Mark: Where were you yesterday bully boy?

Mike: I and Mark had called you but your mom said that you had a fever.

Mark: But seeing your left cheek it doesn't seems so. It seems someone had punched you hard.

Mike: Now don't tell me that it was Nicole or any other girl.

Chris told them the entire incident.

Mike: Boy you should have called us. We had arrived there in a few minutes.

Mark: Don't worry today we will beat the hell out of him. That William have to pay price of it.

Chris: No..Mark, I will face him. It is my own problem.

Mike: No

Chris: Yes

Mark: But-

Chris: Don't worry if anything runs out wrong I would call you.

Mike: Promise?

Chris: Promise


Chris had learned that nowadays Nicole and William are going home together. He waited for them near the street, where they pass by. Meanwhile Nicole and William were chatting and going back.

Nicole: William-

William: Yes?

Nicole:(blushing)From today you can call me Nic.

William: Nic?

Nicole: Yeah, only my best friends have permission to call me Nic.

Chris observed the duo coming towards him.

Chris: Oh, see who are coming, Habla and her boyfriend.


Chris: Yeah me.

William: Why are you here?

Chris: For-

Nicole :Let's ignore him William. We are getting late.

Chris: Hmmmm....getting late for? Date and....tic..tac..toe?

Chris laughed at them.

Nicole: Chris get aside or you-

Chris: You get aside Nicole, I have some deal to do with William.

William: What deal?

Chris held William by his collar and raised him above the ground.

Chris: That day you and your gang played well they are not here to save you.

Nicole: Chris!! stop it.

Chris: Just a second Habla.

Nicole: First you have to deal with me.

Chris threw William and he landed on his back.

Nicole rushed to William.

William: Omg by back has broken.

Chris: Nice.

Nicole approached Chris and tried to punch him. He blocked her punch.

Chris: Nicole stop this. I have no issues with you.

Nicole: But I have some issues with William and you have hurted him.

Chris: I don't want to hurt you Nicole, stop this.

Nicole was continuously trying to punch and hit him but in vain. Finally after a few seconds Chris gave her a hard punch and she fell to the ground.

Chris: Ah..Sorry Nicole.Are you-

Nicole:(tears fell from her eyes)Get lost.

Chris: Nic-

Nicole:(shouting)I said get lost.

Chris: But-

Nicole: I and William had each other to take care. He will look after me. Get lost!!!!

That single statement moved Chris hard from inside.

Chris: Oh....ohk.

Chris went away.

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