Is the project completed?(chapter 11)

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The next day they have to submit their project to the school.

Chris: Hey Nicole is the project completed?

Nicole: Hmm.


Nicole: Hmmmmm.....

Chris: I cant understand.Nic-

Nicole: Yes stupid octopus IT IS COMPLETED.

Chris: You are annoying.

Nicole: Thank you and now please spare my life and me and get lost.

Chris: Ok ok

Nicole: And yes one meet me at the park at 4 PM.

Chris: But-

Nicole: What? you are scared?

Chris: No but-

Nicole: I have something important to show you.

Chris: But, I'm not interested.

Nicole: I'm also thinking to invite Mark there.

Chris: What are you planning?

Nicole: You'll get to know when you reach there.

Chris: Okay

Mr. Johnson entered the class

Mr. Johnson: Well kids settle down, it's time to give you all the grades for your project.


Mr. Johnson: Well after analyzing each of your projects I can say that Nicole and Chris have made the best one.

Chris: What!!??

Nicole: Really?

Mr. Johnson: Yes kids, now if you two can settle down then we can continue the chapter we left yesterday.

After the Class

Chris (to Mark): Did Nicole invited you to the park?

Mark: What park?

Chris informed him about what Nicole told him a few moments ago.

Mark: I think she is just playing a prank.

Chris: Maybe.

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