The Suspension(Chapter 24)

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Chris quickly approached towards the staff room and found William there.

Chris:Why you did this?


Chris:Why did you damage-

William:Do you have any proof?

Chris:My punch will be the proof.

William:Ok ok,let me explain.I wonder why are ypua topper even if you can't listen to a person carefully.On the first day,when I arrived in the school,I had told that I want to improve my grades and position.And ypu and Nicole were the two toppers,so I have to clear my way.Therefore my first prey was Nicole.

Hearing this Chris jumped on William and the two broke into a deadly fight.After few minutes few staffs amd teachers gathered there to stop them.Both were bleeding badly.Without listneing to anybody of the,the staff members decided to give them a 1 (one) week suspension.They were suspended for 1 (one) week.

The news spread lile wildfire in the school,the next day.

Students,of Chris' class were discussing this when the librarian arrived.

Librarian:Calm down,kids your teacher is absent due to fever and hence you all will attend library in this period for the next few days.

Mike:But mam?what about the projects?

Librarian:He will check them,once he is back at the school.

That day after school,Nicole was going to visit William,on evening,when she encountered Chris on her way.



Chris:I need to talk to you.

Nicole:Do it quickly.

Chris:Where are you going?

Nicole:To visit William.

Chris:Don't go!!


Chris told her everything about William,what he knew.

Chris:Yes Nicole,it's the truth.

Nicole:(shouting) SHUT UP!!

Nicole gave him a tight punch in the face.

Chris:Nicole,try to understand-

Nicole slapped him.

Nicole:Don't evem say a word further for William.Ok,even if accept for a minute,just a minute,then why!!??..why do ypu care??Who are we??!!..we are just strangers.Why the hell do you care about me!!??

She left.


William and Chris were still at suspension from the school.Mark and Mike were greatly missing their friend.

Teacher:Ok class,now after checking ypur projects I am going to declare your marks.

Nicole:(thinking to herself)God..why..why this is happening to me?Now I wipl get 0.

Teacher:It is very sad,that you people didn't took the projects.It was of 20 marks but still..alas.Butvthere are exceptions.Only one student did it well and got 20/20.It is Nicole.



He then announced other students' marks.



Nicole still didn't understood how did she got full marks.

Just then Mark and Mike approached her.

Mark:See poor girl,she didn't-

Nicole:Why are you here?

Mike:Just to tell you the truth.


Mike:Yes,the truth.

Nicole:What truth?

Mark:That Chris hid from you.Please don't tell him that we told you all this.You must be wondering about your project.Chris made your project himself all again.I don't why is he doing all this and taht too a girl like who alway..always....leave.

Mike:If he really wanted to damage ypur project,he wouldn't make ot again.Yesterday evening he met me amd gave the project and told me to keep it in the staff room in the morning before the teacher checks it.He didn't said anything and left.He said that not to tell this to you.

Mark:We don't know,he is not picoing our calls amd always rejecting with a message of 'busy'.

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