At William's home(chapter 17

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Nicole reached at William's home at the scheduled time to help him with studies. She rang the door bell. William opened the door and as soon as he opened the door, his face acquired a big smile.

William: Nicole!

Nicole: Hello William.

William: Come inside why are you standing outside in the sun. A beautiful girl like you should not stand there, it would hurt you.

Nicole: Wh....what?

William: Uh..I am sorry if I went too far in my words.

Nicole: No, it's ok William. You are caring. I like caring boys.

Nicole then helps outs William in his subjects.


Chris and his friends came out of the parlour after playing the games.

Chris: Bro..I just loved the game.

Mike: Yeah me too.

Mark: You people were again playing that boring game? Guess what was I playing?

Mike: Pinball

Chris: Minesweeper

Mark: No dumbfools, I was playing Call of Duty: Modern Strike.

Mike: Great!!

Chris: But-

Mike: But what Chris?

Chris: I think now we should now stop roaming here for a while.

Mark: But why?

Chris: As you people know our exams are approaching so-

Mark suddenly gives him a strange salute.

Mark: Yes sir!!

Chris: Mark....I am not kidding.

Mark takes his face closer to him. Their faces are centimeters apart.

Mark: Really?

Chris: trying to kiss me.

Mark: If you want to.

Chris: For your kind information I am not a gay like you. I only kiss beautiful girls.

Mark gives him a friendly push and moves away from him.


Chris: Hehehehe

Mike:(smiling)Ok love birds now we should move on, it's becoming dark.

Chris: Sure.

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