Why you did this?(chapter 23)

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The next day Chris enters his classroom.

Mike:Hey bro..are you okay now?

Chris:Yeah guys,thanks for your help.

Mark:(smiling)We will be always be there for you.

The teacher enters the classroom.

Teacher:Settle down all of you.

As usual Chris and Nicole sat next to each other but Chris ignored Nicole while she tried to grab his attention.

Teacher:Ok students,now you people have to submit your projects.As all of you know it will be marked 20% of your total grade.

Everyone submits their projects.

Teacher:Ok,William get all these projects in the staff room.Ok class,we will continue our lesson tommorow. 

William helps the teacher in collecting the projects and gets them to the staff room.


Nicole was waiting for William.When he didn't came,she decided to visit the staff room,hoping to find him there.

When she went there,she was pleased to find William there.She approached him.



Nicole:William it's me.

William:Oh so it is you Nic.I was frightened.

Nicole:Why are you late today amd why is there a scar of tension on your face.

William:Uh..Nic how should I tell you..

Nicole:Just tell me.

William shows Nic her project.It was torn and damaged completely.

Nicole:(surprised and scared)What.....who did this?

William:Actually Nic..I don't know.When I was passing by staff room,I saw Chris leaving the staff room.When I peeped into I saw a few projects lying on the ground and I-

Nicole:So Chris did this?

William:I am not sure-

Before William could complete his words Nicole left him to find Chris with tears in her eyes.That day Chris had stayed back in the library alone to study.When he was leaving the library he saw Nicole approaching him.

Nicole:Chris!!..why(tears fell down from her eyes)..why did..why-

Chris:(surprised and frightened)Calm down Nicole..what happened?

Nicole told him everything what William said.

Chris:No!!Nicole believe me I didn't did that.

Nicole:If you wanted revenge from me you could simply slap or punch me..what was the need to do this.It was related to my academics not me.

Before Chris could say anything she left him and ran from there.

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