Music Concert (Chapter 34)

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In recess

Nicole: Hey you wanna go with me on Ubazaka concert?

Chris: Whom are you asking? Me?

Nicole: I guess there is only one Octopus here.

Chris: You can't call me that.

Nicole: Reply me.

Chris: What?

Nicole: Are you coming with me or not?

Chris: I am not coming with you.

Nicole: Okay.

Chris: But why are you asking me?

Nicole: My friends are busy and there are no Ubazaka fans I know besides you. So I thought you would enjoy the concert.

Chris: I don't want to go with someone like you. I have my sports practice.

Nicole: What do you mean by someone like you?

Chris: Someone like you.

Nicole: You are free to do whatever you want. I can visit and enjoy the concert on my own.

Nicole went away from there.

Later that Evening

Nicole decided to enjoy the concert on her own, though she thought that it would have been better if someone accompanied her. She was walking very fast when she fell down and hurted herself. 

Nicole: Why does it happens to me?

She was about to cry when someone held her. It was Chris.

Chris: Why are you lying there?

Chris: Why are you lying there?

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Nicole: I..I was....walking and-

Chris: Now stand up and don't-

Nicole: But you-

Chris: What's this? You hurted yourself? There's a scratch on your knees.

Nicole: Ah, don't touch it. It hurts.

Chris: Let's get to the medical store to get bandages for you.

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