Jimmy(chapter 31)

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Chris: Nicole, what are you doing?

Nicole: Just stay still, let that boy move over.

Chris: He is gone.

Nicole came out.

Nicole: Finally!

Chris: Now, can you tell me who is it?

Nicole: Uh..Hmm.

Chris: Nicole.

Nicole: He is my cousin, Jimmy.

Chris: Your cousin?

Nicole: Yeah, Jimmy.

Chris: Then why were you hiding from him?

Nicole: That's a long story.

Chris: I am eager to hear that story.

Just then Nicole felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around.

Nicole: Jimmy!?

Jimmy: I knew you were there.

Nicole: But-

Jimmy (to Chris): You must be Chris?

Chris: How do you know my name?

Nicole: And how did you know I am here?

Jimmy (to Nicole): Your mom told me.

Nicole: Huh?

Jimmy: She told me you were on a date with Chris.

Nicole: But how did she know I'm here. I told I'm going out with a few friends.

Nicole turned to Chris:

Chris: Seems like my mom told Mrs. Taylor we were on a date 😅

Nicole: 😠😠

Jimmy: If you were on a date, you shouldn't have lied to-

Nicole: No no no no! It is not a date.

Jimmy: But-

Chris: It is a false date.

Jimmy: What is a false date?

Nicole: I'll tell you on the way. Let's go.

Jimmy: But-

Nicole: Sorry Chris, we have to go. See you later.

Jimmy was a cold looking boy, four (4) years elder to Nicole. It seemed like no joke or situation can make him laugh or atleast bring a smile on his face. He always carried a serious expression on his face, similar to that of a 40 year old business professional.

Nicole and Jimmy headed back to Nicole's home. Chris too went back to his home after an exhausting day.

As Chris entered the key and opened his home. He was tired so went to sleep in his room. After sometime, as he woke up, he went to the kitchen to get himself a glass of water. He saw his parents had returned from the party.

Chris: Dad, mom, you're back?

Mrs. Parker: Yeah, we are back.

Mr. Parker: Chris, help me carry the box to the car.

Mrs. Parker: So how was your date?

Chris: Yeah okay.

Mrs. Parker: I didn't understood?

Chris: I'm talking to you later mom, I'm going to help dad.

Chris left the kitchen to carry the boxes.

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