What will happen now?(chapter 13)

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Chris reached the school next day. His friends enquired him about his sad and troublesome face but he didn't told them anything. During the break he was roaming aimlessly in the corridor. Just then Nicole appeared in front of him.

Chris: You!!....Well.....Hello..How are you?

Nicole: Now stop all this drama and listen. Today I had not written down my classwork and notes. So as soon as you reach home you have to write them for me and give me the same till 7 PM today. Understood?

Chris: But why the hell haven't you noted them? Your right hand is now okay and you can also write with your left hand?

Nicole: Somewhat I was not interested in noting them down. Now don't question me anymore stupid octopus and do as I direct or else you know.

She left. Chris literally cried on his luck. But he had no other choice. He somehow completed the tasks and handed her the notebooks on time. He returned to his room exhausted. Just then a chat screen opened up from his messenger. It was from Nicole.

Nicole: Listen octopus tomorrow I will not bring my tiffin so you will have to give yours to me.

Chris: But you can also buy from the canteen, Moreover they are more delicious than that of mine.

Nicole: Shut up and do as I directed.

Chris had no option but to give his lunch to her the next day. After giving his lunch to her, the next day, he sat in the playground. His stomach rumbled .He had no pocket money left so he couldn't buy any snacks/food from the canteen. 

Chris (to himself): Ah man, I'm starving.

After a few moments Nicole appeared in front of him and gave his lunch back.

Chris: Huh?

Nicole: There is some left for you.

She left him. He couldn't understand what happened. He opened his lunch box and saw that half of the lunch was spared for him. He thanked God.

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