Chapter Six: New Friends/Enemies

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Braedey had seen this place before. Even after five weeks, he could still see and feel every sensation as if it were yesterday.

The charred remains of his house stood before him, the flames were still burning what was left of the once strong household, and the stench of death filled the air. Braedey rushed into the house, hoping that everyone was all right. He entered the area that used to be the kitchen when he saw them; the bodies of his loved ones, all of them broken and bloodied. He chocked on his breath, as the carnage in front of him was too much for him to bear. However, as he took another glace at the lifeless bodies, he noticed that one was not there.

The embers of hope started to simmer in his heart as he began to search through the rubble in search of her, but there was no sign of her. Braedey was about to reach for his phone to make sure she was okay, then he heard the scream. It sounded like it came from the next room.

Braedey rushed at the door and slammed into it, forcing it open, not caring about the splinters or the scolding hot embers that burnt his arm. He looked through the smog to the one person he loved the most. She was a small Asian girl with jet black hair, green eyes, and has on a white t-shirt, hidden under a red hooded jacket and a white miniskirt. However, instead of greeting him with her beautiful smile, her expression was that of sheer horror, she didn't even acknowledge Braedey as she stared at the smoky outline of... him.

His features were all shrouded in darkness and smoke, but his purple optics cut right through the smog like a fog light. Both eyes stared hungrily at his prey. Before Braedey could even move an inch, a dark purple blade shot out of the smoke and impaled its target right in the heart. She let out a gasp, next collapsed, then she looked at Braedey as the life left her eyes.


"JANE!" Braedey screamed at he shot out of bed, his hand reaching out to nothing but darkness, his eyes glowing a bright blue until they went back to normal. He finally realised were he was; he was in his room at the Avengers Mansion. He quickly wiped the tears out from his eyes as he sat at the edge of his bed.

It had been over four weeks since he had arrived in this universe, and every night since then, he had the same nightmare. He closed his eyes at the memory, the image of Jane's death burned into his mind.

Suddenly, a beeping sound came from his bedside table as his alarm clock transforms into a JARVIS terminal. "Good morning, Master Martin." The A.I greeted. "It is currently 4:30 in the morning. A full thirty minutes later than the pervious morning."

"Thanks for the update, JARVIS." Braedey replied, rubbing his eyes. "And how many times have I told you to call me Braedey, not by my last name?"

"Approximately 135 times, Master Martin." The A.I quickly answered, with a hint of sarcasm in his artificial voice. Braedey rolled his eyes as he put his clothes on. "Master Martin, the minimum requirement an 18 year old human male requires is 8 hours of REM sleep."

"Yeah I've heard that, too. What's your point?" Braedey sighed.

"You haven't achieved that requirement since you have arrived in the universe. And from the recent scan I have taken of you, your neurological activity shows that you are distressed." JARVIS said to him.

"You can tell when I'm distressed?" The teen hero asked.

"I'm the Butler, sir." The A.I replied casually. "I am programed to take care of all of Mister Stark's facilities and all its inhabitants. I have even been programed with 4 terabytes of medical data."

"Wow impressive." Braedey said as he grabbed his jacket on his way to the door. "Can you set the training room up for me, JARVIS?"

"Sir, I must insist that you return to bed." JARVIS insisted. "The lack of sleep you are receiving can cause your neuro-receptors to lose their sensitivity to seratonin and norepinephrine. Which leads to Impaired cognitive function."

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