Chapter Seven: Black Panther

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Being part of a team has its ups and downs, ups for when you get to beat down the bad guys and you know that someone always has your back. downs for when you get stuck with the boring team briefings. For Braedey, this was a mixture of both.

Hank and Tony had called everyone together, minus Thor (who was in Norway for some reason, visiting ancient relics from the last time he was on Earth) in order to discuss the recent findings on the mysterious man who saved Captain America and Braedey's life during the Zemo incident.

If Braedey was being truly honest with himself, he was a little annoyed at his team at the moment. The minute he got back from his little adventure with Agent Danvers, Braedey discovered that the little bust that Wasp and Thor went on lead them to AIM's main facility, where they fought the head of the organisation M.O.D.O.C; a technorganic supervillian with tremendous mental powers and advanced weapons and was a imprisoned in the Vault. Not only that, but that fight lead to the creation of another supervillain, Wonder Man. Formally a proud company owner, Simon Williams, who was enraged by Tony Stark after he bought his company from him. Due to a misunderstanding on Tony's part, Simon went to A.I.M to get the revenge he wanted, M.O.D.O.C put him in a procedure that replaced all the organic material in his body with ionic energy.

With his new power, Simon attacked Stark tower and easily tore apart Tony's suits. It was only with the help of Ant-Man and a timely arrival of Captain America (riding his motorcycle, which Braedey found too cool) that Tony was able to survive the attack. However, due to the instability of his body, Simon began to deteriorate. Tony tried to stabilise him with the Arc reactor, but Simon disintegrated into nothing before they could reach it, leaving the team at an all time low.

When Braedey found out, he was a little annoyed that they didn't even think to call him when it got that bad. But Wasp reminded him that he wanted a quiet day, saying "We thought you needed some time to yourself."

While it made Braedey feel good that Jan and the others were looking out for him, sometimes he felt that they could get a little too protective. He is 18 and has the most powerful device in his universe strapped to his wrist. He could take care of himself. But on the upside, Braedey did get to meet Carol. After that fateful encounter with Taskmaster and the Enforcers, the two went for Slushies afterwards and actually had a great time. After spending a majority of the trip to the slushie place arguing about who should pay, the duo decided to just split the bill. During that time, they were able to talk for a little while and actually behave like regular teenagers.

To Braedey, it was a huge relief. While the Avengers were great to hang out with and were staring to feel like a surrogate family, Braedey still felt like he needed to talk to people his own age. And Carol was the perfect candidate, while her by-the-book no nonsense attitude did get on his nerves, she had a strong wit and a strong will that Braedey could relate to. And also, from what she did share with Braedey, she had always wanted to go into space; a trait the shapeshifter had no problem with. Either way, Braedey was just glad that he hade a new friend to talk to that didn't know about his troubled past. A fresh start.


Right now, Braedey wished he could be hanging out with the S.H.I.E.L.D agent right now, cause as far as the briefing was going, it was pretty dull. For what felt like the hundredth time, a projection of the events that happened with Zemo played through again. Zemo leapt up and aimed his sword and Captain America, but just as the blade was about to pierce the super soldier, his shield comes out of nowhere and blocks the strike. The two foes look up and (unlike the last hundred time they watched this playback) they saw a man donning a skintight black suit.

"That's him." Captain America said, as the image froze of the man, who was in mid leap. The other Avengers who were present looked closer at the image.

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