Kick Ass - Stiles

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"I don't know how to kick his ass, but I'm not afraid to try."

Scott let out a breathy laugh as he watched his best friend pace in front of him. Stiles wore an indignant scowl as he gnawed on his thumbnail nestled between his teeth. His feet dragged dirt as he walked back and forth in front of the wooden table.

"I'd like to see you do that, Stiles." Scott joked. Brushing the werewolf's comment off, Stiles continued to pace. Scott sighed. "Look, Stiles, (Y/N) and Jake are lab partners - working on a lab project."

Stiles let out an exasperated scoff. "Exactly! They're going to his house to work on a project. Probably make out a little bit while they're at it. God.." Stiles ranted.

Scott rose an eyebrow. "Uh, Stiles? We're lab partners. We go to your house to work on projects. Are you suggesting something?"

"Wh- No- Scott- That's different!" The pale boy protested. Scott just laughed.

"Stiles, if you would ask her out, you wouldn't have to worry about this, because technically, you shouldn't be worrying about this. She's single."

"I know that." Stiles muttered. "It's not as easy as you think. Have you seen me? I have trouble with ordering food at restaurants."

Scott snorted. "That was hilarious." Scott snorted, reminiscing about the time the pack had gone out to a restaurant. Stiles had stuttered his order to the waitress, changed his order completely, and spilled his entire soda on her.

"Was not!" Stiles protested. "It was embarrassing, and a prime example of why I don't like going out."

"Whatever you say, dude. It was funny." Scott replied, and leaned back so the wooden table was supporting his upper back. "Look, dude, just ask her out. It's pretty simple. Her and Jack-"

"-it's Jake." (ha-ha get it from state farm SELF FIVE)

"Whatever! (Y/N) and Jake are just lab partners, I mean, come on; have you ever seen them interact outside of Chemistry class?"

Stiles sighed. "No, but-"

"No buts." Scott chuckled. "I know you really like her, and I'm not lying when I say that she likes you too. Just go get her, Stiles."

Stiles nodded, his gaze fixed on the ground as his lips pursed together. "You're right." He said softly. Imagining (Y/N) with that jerk-off Jake from the basketball team was enough to make Stiles feel sick and eager to take action. Stiles nodded one last final time before he walked with urgency to his Jeep, leaving Scott behind at the tables. 

"Uh, Stiles?" Scott yelled, getting up from his seat. Stiles ignored his best friend's call, and continued to hop into his jeep and press the keys into the ignition. "Stiles, I didn't mean right now."

Even though Stiles kept walking as if Scott didn't even exist, Scott knew Stiles heard him.

"Stiles! You're my ride!" Scott yelled louder, half walking-half running closer to the car as the engine roared to life. Stiles looked out his window.

"You're a werewolf with super speed and agility, and I'm in a hurry. Figure it out." Stiles sassed back, bringing an end to the conversation as he pressed his foot to the accelerator and drove away, leaving Scott in the dust.

[lol i literally forgot to publish these really  sorry bout that

but anyways i started school !!!!! :):


love you all have a great night i hope you do well in school bye ]

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