Liam Imagine for Shefali

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You were fairly new to Beacon Hills. Your family had just moved because your mom had gotten a new job, and this town was confusing, to say the least. You coulnd't help but notice in the news all the suspicious murders and kidnappings and all sorts of crimes. So maybe it wasn't a good idea to be walking in the woods at midnight, but you honestly didn't know where you were. You were just looking for the nearest road. You wandered alone, phone dead, trembling every time you heard a noise. 

You looked up and saw the full moon shining brightly, illuminating your face. You shivered. You began walk again but were dragged down to the ground when a hand covered your mouth and pushed you down. You screamed, on instinct, and the figure shushed you and held you down against your will. They turned you around and you saw that it was a boy, about your age. In fact, you barely recognized him from the halls of your new school. Your eyes widened and you attempted to scream again, but it was muffled by his strong hand.

"Hey, hey, shh. Be quiet, they might hear us." He said in a hushed tone. You rose your eyebrows questioningly.

"I'm going to take my hand off. You swear you won't scream?" He asked, looking into your eyes. You hesitated, but gradually started nodding quickly. He sighed and removed his hand and revealed my shaking mouth.

"Look, there is someth- someone out here and they're going to brutally and ruthlessly kill whatever is in their way. I'm trying to help you out here." He explained. "I'm Liam. I honestly don't know who you are, but I'd rather not live with the knowledge that I let someone die when I easily could have done something."

You sat there, stunned, looking nowhere but his eyes.

"What's your name?"

"Shefali." You stammered. He smiled.

"Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." You breathed. Suddenly, a distant low growl came from behind him. His face grew worried as he sat up and looked around. He looked back to you. 

"Stay here, and stay down." You nodded obediently and brought your knees to your chest. He got up and quietly scanned the forest. A sound came from the left, and he snapped his head that way, inspecting everything. He turned around and looked around the right side. You saw a distant figure walking from behind him, and a silent gasp left your mouth. Liam's head snapped to you as he made his way towards you.

"What? What is it?"

You pointed towards the figure with a shaky hand and he looked over, crouching down, his arms going in front of you in a protective manner. As soon as he saw a face on the figure, he let out a sigh of relief and got up, as the person musn't have been dangerous.

"Scott. What's going on?" He asked. The guy, who must have been Scott, pursed his lips.

"They found Kate and the Berzerkers. They're at the old factory. Derek killed the one in the woods, so we're safe here," He explained, "well, for now."

Liam's eyes widened as he realized you were still there behind the tree and he looked over to you. Your face had confused and scared written all over it. 

"Uh.. We.. I.." Liam stuttered, trying to think of a reasonable explanation. Scott looked at Liam confused, and looked at what Liam was looking at, and his eyes widened as well. Scott and Liam looked at each other, than back at you.

"We can explain.." Scot said, but it sounded more like a question than a statement.

Liam walked over to sit next to you.

"Look, Shefali, a lot of confusing things are happening, and we'll explain them all to you, but you can't tell anyone. Okay?" He asked with a hopeful expression on his face. You nodded. He sighed and stood up, and held out his hand.

"Come on."

You took his hand gratefully and stood up. Your hands stayed intertwined until you got to Scott's car and he opened the door for you, his eyes flickering to your hands as he took his away and blushed. You got in the car and they began to explain everything. After everything, you were in shock.

"And, that's pretty much it." Scott finished.

"So.. basically this town is full of tons of supernatural people?" You asked, trying to get everything clear. Liam gulped and nodded.

"That's awesome!" You exclaimed with a small smile. Liam and Scott both sighed, relieved, and laughed. 

"Where do you go to school?" Scott asked.

"Beacon Hills High School? I've only been there for three days. I literally just moved here." You explained. Scott rose his eyebrows. 

"Hey, that's where we all go! You should meet everyone," Scott said. 

"So I go to school with supernatural people? That's even cooler." You laughed, making everyone else laugh. "I still don't know how to get from class to class yet. The school is so confusing."

"I'll show you around on Monday." Liam stated, smiling at you. You smiled back.

"Thank you." 

"How about we drive you home, it's 1:17 in the morning," Scott suggested. You nodded. 

"Sounds great." You gave him the address and you were off.

"Tonight was interesting, to say the least," You said to Liam as you walked up to your front door. He laughed.

You were about to open your door, but turned around. 

"I'll see you Monday, Liam," You spoke, kissing him on the cheek. You both blushed, and you could see Scott smirking out of the corner of your eye. 

"Yeah, see you Monday."

You went inside, and for the first time in your life, you couldn't wait for school on Monday.

[[hope you liked it!!]]

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