Twins - Stiles One-Shot

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honestly this was so fun to write hope you love it!!

You and Stiles were beyond ecstatic when the doctor gave you the delightful news that you would be having identical twin girls. The duration of your pregnancy was filled with excitement, apple cravings, and lots of baby shopping. Stiles had even convinced you to buy the two a few pairs of matching outfits.
"Stiles... isn't that kinda cheesy?" You asked, raising your eyebrows at your husband as he held up two entirely matching outfits. He had picked out two blue dresses, white headbands, and shoes. He scoffed at your words.
"Come on! It's adorable." He argued. "Tell me you don't think these are adorable."
You giggled. "No, no, it is cute, but- you know what, nevermind. It's stupid."
"No, really, what's on your mind? Tell me the truth, (Y/N)." Stiles insisted.
"What if we can't tell the difference between them? They're wearing the outfits, and we forget which one is which."
Stiles laughed loudly. "Oh my gosh, you really think we won't be able to tell the difference between our own children?"
"It's just a thought..." You trailed off, looking down at your growing baby bump.
"Trust me, babe. That will never happen." He promised, and kissed the side of your head before tossing the outfits into the shopping cart.
Months passed and you had successfully given birth to two healthy and very identical twin girls; Olivia Rose and Addison Marie Stilinski. All the pain and hormone-driven tantrums had been all worth it the moment you saw your husband staring lovingly at your two wonderful daughters.
Their genetics were obvious. They had their father's eyes and smile, but your nose, face shape, and hair color. It really was hard to tell the difference between the two.
Drama had long passed in Beacon Hills. The fear and murder had seemed to dissipate after years of battling numerous supernatural creatures, but you and Stiles decided to play it safe and move to the outer Beacon Hills suburbs. Stiles could easily drive to the station for work, and the school in which you taught was only a few minutes away. It was a lovely place to raise your kids.
It was a sunny day, and since you and your husband were both off work, you took the opportunity to take your two 8 month old angels to the park. Stiles insisted on having them wear the matching outfits, and you had to admit – they looked pretty darn cute. You had Addi in your arms, giggling as she grabbed at the features on your face, and Stiles had been playing with Olivia, tossing a plush ball around to her amusement.
"(Y/N), Stiles, is that really you?" You heard from behind your spot on the bench. You turned around and smiled once you saw an old friend from High School.
"Oh my gosh, Grace, it's great to see you!" You greeted, placing your daughter next to Stiles on the blanket laid out in the grass. "How've you been?"
"I've been good! I see you and Stiles are still together," She grinned. "I always knew you two would last."
"Hi, Grace," Stiles waved from the ground. "I'd get up, but, duty calls." He gestured towards the babies.
As you and Grace continued to chatter, Stiles continued to roll and toss the plush ball back and forth between them. They had both been learning how to throw things – food, toys, car keys – and you and Stiles were both surprised at the arm power these two little girls had.
"You wanna toss it here?" Stiles cooed in a baby voice to Addi once he had rolled the small ball to her reach. Babbling, she loosely picked up the ball and threw it well behind her father. Stiles laughed. "You two ought to be great softball players, yeah?" He said as he got up for a quick moment to get the ball.
But a lot can happen in a quick moment.
In those few seconds, Addison had crawled in the direction of her father and Olivia had simultaneously scooted behind her sister to grab at another toy on the opposite side of the blanket. Stiles had stopped to give his old friend a hug and exchanged a few words with her before coming back to find his children in two totally different spots.
His brows furrowed as he evaluated the situation, and his eyes widened. He had only been gone for ten seconds tops, but he couldn't tell if Addi had moved forward and Olivia moved back, or if Addi moved over and Olivia moved forward.
"Oh shit." He muttered, sitting down and trying to look for a difference in the babies as they stared up at their father innocently.
"Addison?" He said out loud, hoping one would react a little more in recognition, but it was no use as both babies smiled back up at him.
"Damn," He muttered.
"It was great talking to you! Send me a text sometime!" Grace called, waving at you.
"Will do!" You smiled, and turned back around to your family. You frowned when you saw your husband's panicking state.
"Stiles? What's wrong?" You asked, looking over your children for danger.
"I-I-I, I don't, I-"He stuttered. "I don't know which one is which."
Your eyes widened. "What?!"
"Addi threw the ball behind me, so I got up to get it and say hi to Grace, and when I came back, they were in different places. I don't know which one is which."
"Oh, shit," You muttered.
"Well, what do we do?" He asked you.
"I don't know! Is there a difference between them at all?"
"(Y/N), they're identical twins. Identical, similar in every detail, indistinguishable, exactly alike-"
"I get it!" You stopped him. "I knew it was a mistake to get the twins matching clothes."
"Did you put different diapers on one of them?" He asked.
"No! I didn't exactly plan on not knowing the difference between my own kids."
Stiles groaned.
"Wait!" You shouted. "Their fingerprints aren't identical, let's check those!"
"I don't know the difference between their fingerprints!"
"Obviously, but the hospital records do! Let's just ask Melissa!"
Stiles pointed and nodded, packing up the baby toys as you loaded the babies into the carriers.

You paced back and forth, bouncing one baby in your arms as Melissa pulled up the digital copy of Olivia's footprints, comparing it to the copy she had taken moments before. Stiles held the other, just as anxious as you. Her eyes moved back and forth until she came to a conclusion and rose from her chair.
"(Y/N) is holding Olivia. Stiles, you've got Addison." She declared, taking off her glasses.
"You're positive?" Stiles asked.
"Yes, Stiles." Mrs. McCall laughed. The wrinkles around her eyes were becoming more prominent but she was still youthful and happy.
"Oh my God," You breathed out, kissing Olivia's head. "I can finally call you by your name now."
"I still don't understand how this could have happen," Melissa laughed.
"Yeah, long story short, no more matching clothes." Stiles awkwardly smiled.

[it's been a while since i've updated!!!
hello!!!!it's me!!!!
so so so sorry that i've been inactive. with school starting it's been pretty stressful plus additional personal time off.
but i am back at it and i hope to be updating more regularly!! yay!!!
this was already posted to my tumblr (hmu @ obrien-enthusiast)
requests are on hold for a while but i will keep writing with the materials i have!
love you all have a wonderful thanksgiving break xx]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2015 ⏰

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