Stiles One-Shot for Ruby

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(And for Ruby Henderson can you do with Stiles that him and Malia becoming on and off all the time and he's starting to lose interest in her and then he meets Ruby that can control all four elements and he falls for her after protecting herself from the hunter of the deadpool and while trying to figure it out with Stiles and jealous Malia, Malia tries to attack Ruby she defend herself with her powers and Malia runs away after Stiles saying that he's very disappointed of her and doesn't want to see her again (no hate for Malia, I love her!) it all ends up with Stiles and Ruby sleeping with each other (as in doing the nasty- no detailing or writing about it at all).

"Malia.. I'm sorry, this just.. isn't working. Like, at all." Stiles confessed.

For the last few months, Stiles and Malia had been like an on-and-off switch. It was as if every week was a different problem. It seemed to Stiles as if the only thing the relationship was sex, and Stiles was too good of a guy to stay in a relationship just solely for that. And, besides that, Malia's overprotectiveness, ignorance, and quick temper was slowly driving him crazy. This was the last straw.

She frowned. "What does that mean?"

Stiles rubbed his face and sighed. "I mean, we aren't working out. We need to break up. For good, this time."

Malia's face, instead of growing sad, morphed into a face of anger. "Why? What's wrong?"

"What's wrong is that you are always so aggressive and possessive." He rambled. "And, also, you're way too overprotective and defensive. I'm not your property, Malia. You don't own me, and I'm allowed to interact with other people. You go off on people over the littlest of things."

Malia became angrier. "Well, I'm sorry I was an animal for most of my life. This isn't exactly easy." She said, as if it were obvious.

It was Stiles's turn to become angry. "That's the damn thing! You aren't even trying to learn the way of living like an actual human. You refuse to let me help you! It's actually pretty easy if you actually try, but no; you choose to act like a damn wolf!" Stiles exclaimed, letting all his bottled up frustration and enmity explode out of him like a bomb detonating. "So stop using that as your excuse." He spat.

Malia was taken aback. Her big eyes were fixed on him and all she could smell was anger, and the fact that his heart didn't skip a single beat was what shocked her the most. This was the first time anyone had ever addressed this. She knew, deep down inside her, that she would never want to be a human, but every time Stiles said 'this is progress', she was convinced nobody noticed.

"Are you lying to me? I think you're lying to me. Is there someone else?" She asked with no emotion.

Stiles looked at her exasperated. "You realize that you can tell if I'm lying or not. And no, there's no one else. I just think it'd be best to not be togther anymore." He stated, more calm than before, but still stern. "Did you hear my heartbeat skip that time, Malia? Was I lying? Tell me, Malia, was I lying?"

Malia pursed her lips angrily. "No, you didn't." She said. "But you're right, Stiles. I don't need you. In fact, I'm breaking up with you. I don't like you anymore."

Annoyance was filling Stiles to the brim, but he didn't feel like talking to her anymore, much less fight with her about who broke up with the other first. "Okay. Bye, Malia." He said abruptly and grabbed his car keys and maroon hoodie, and walked straight to his car. Malia furrowed her brows, and walked after him, her hands balled up at her side, claws stabbing at her palms.

"Where are you going? This is your house."

Stiles looked at her one more time, closing his car door. "Scott's." Malia nodded, and the one strand of common sense was telling her to say 'goodbye', but she decided within herself that common sense wasn't her thing a long time ago, so she just strut back inside to grab everything that belonged to her and made her way to wherever she was off to.

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