Derek One-Shot for Helena

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Ok, name's Helena, about Derek, and the scenario... Could it be about me having a nightmare? 

Thank you!

[sure thing! sorry it's kinda short tho ??

Derek was always getting into dangerous situations. Putting himself in the line of fire, willingly fighting experienced fighters, going after things or people that could surely end his life - not to mention taking all the hits directed towards you. You always feared this time would come, but never in a million years thought it would actually happen. 

You watched from the side as your boyfriend went in to attack another werewolf, but your face contorted into an expression of horror as you saw him get beat up. You tried to run to him, tried to defend him, but it seemed as if you were glued to your spot. You screamed his name, struggling against the nonexistent force holding you in place.  You let out a cry as his body dropped to the floor and stab wounds began to bleed through his clothing. You finally were able to move your feet and ran over to his lifeless body, yelling his name.

"Derek? Derek! Please, Derek, wake up, please, please wake up.. Derek, Derek wake up!"

You wrapped your arms around him and cried into his chest.

"Derek, wake up! Derek, Derek, please, wake up, please, Derek wake up.."

"Derek.. wake up.. Derek... Derek... please... wake up..."

Derek woke up, squinting and looking around for what caused him to awaken at three in the morning. His eyes landed on you and your shaking body, covered in sweat and tossing and turning underneath the comforter. It looked as if you were in pain from the look on your face. Scooting himself up in your shared bed, he leaned over to you.

"Helena? Babe, wake up," He said softly. But you kept turning, calling out the same plea repeatedly. He frowned.

"Helena, wake up, babe," He said louder, placing his hands on your shoulders and lightly shaking you. But that method didn't work either. 

"Helena! Babe, wake up!" He said, almost shouting as he shook you a little more vigorously. Suddenly your eyes shot open and darted around. Derek turned your body to face his and your eyes met. A gasp of relief left your mouth as you wrapped your arms around him and pressed your damp face into his shoulder, heaving a few sobs. He quickly wrapped his own steady arms around your trembling body

"Derek.." You cried. He tightened his grip.

"Shh, shh," He soothed. "It's okay."

After staying like that for a few moments, you pulled back, sniffling. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked softly and cautiously. You just shrugged.

"You were dead, I watched you die and I couldn't do anything." You said, wiping your nose with the back of your hand. "It seemed so real."

"I'm right here, Helena." He replied. "Let't go back to bed, okay? I'll be right here. I'll always be right here."

You nodded sheepishly before gathering yourself underneath the comforter. Derek laid back down and snaked an arm around your waist after pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek. 

"I'm right here." He reminded. "Goodnight, Helena. I love you."

You snuggled into his chest. "I love you, too, Derek."

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