'I Love You'

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((a lil random but i hope you enjoy it anyways))

Scott: He whispers it into your hair, in the middle of the night, after he'd counted the space between your breaths and is certain you're asleep. He shuts his eyes quickly when you shift toward him in askance. Maybe he was just sleep whispering. Maybe he was confessing something he needed to confess.

Liam: He waits until something terrible has happened and he can't not tell you anymore. He waits until you almost get hit by a car crossing Wabash against the light and after he is done cursing at the shit-for-brains cab drivers in this town, he realizes he is actually just terrified of living without you. He tells you with his hands shaking as he holds yours.

Stiles: He blurts it out in the middle of an impromptu dance party in the kitchen, as clumsy as your two left feet. When time seems to freeze, he hastily tacks on 'in that shirt' or 'when you make your award-winning pasta' or, if he's feeling brave, 'when we do this.' You resume dancing and he pretends he doesn't feel your eyes on him the rest of the night.

Derek: He says it deliberately, his tongue a springboard for every syllable. Over coffee, brushing his teeth side by side, as he turns off the light to go to sleep - it doesn't matter where. He does not adorn it with extra words like 'I think' or 'I might.' He does not sigh heavily as if admitting it were a burden instead of the most joyous thing he's ever done. He looks you in the eyes and silently prays, heart thumping wildly, that you will turn to him and say, 'I love you too.'

Isaac: He writes you a letter in which the amount of circumnavigating and angst could rival Mr. Darcy's. He debates where to leave it all day - on your pillow? In your coat pocket? Throw it away in frustration, conveniently leaving it face up in the trash can, her name scrawled on the front in his sloppy handwriting. He lets you wonder if he meant it.

Peter: He spits it into your voice-mail, his words a little slurred and sounding like the shots of whiskey he downed for courage. He says it in pride and in shame as he stumbles home in the same clothes he's worn for the past three days. He wakes up cringing, waiting for you to mention it.

Aiden: He sighs it into your mouth, wedged in between teeth and tongues. He doesn't even let his lips move when he says it, ever so lightly, into the air. Maybe it was just an exhalation of ecstasy.

Garrett: He buys you flowers. He buys you chocolate. He buys you a teddy bear,  because that's what every romantic-comedy taught him. He takes you out to a nice restaurant where neither of you feel comfortable and spend the whole night clearing your throat and him tugging at his tie. It feels like his actions are more suited for a proposal than the simple confession of something you've always known.

[now idk bout you but i kinda want to write a part two.. should i or should i not?]

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