Liam Imagine for Abigail

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Hi im Abagail. I would like a Liam imagine where he gets jealous of Brett at the lacrosse game because Brett flirts with you

you got it :-) ... and sorry for the wait

Liam could become quite the jealous boyfriend. If he saw his girlfriend conversating with another guy, his face would turn beet red and he'd struggle to conceal his blazing lycan eyes while steam practically whistled from his ears. His claws would grow and pierce his palms and he'd fight the urge to storm over to the scene and drag her away from his 'opposition'.

Although possessive was not a word to describe Liam Dunbar, it certainly would come into play when Brett Talbot, a rival he had absolutely no pleasantries with, was involved.

Tonight was a big night. Beacon Hills was playing Devonford Prep for the last time this season, and it was safe to say that the entire student body was excited. Even the total book nerds and academic champs had come out from their comfort zones to cheer the team on.

Abigail rolled back and forth from the balls of her feet while she waited for Liam to come out of the boy's locker room, as he did every other game, for her to give him a good luck hug and kiss, after which she would hurry back to her same spot on the bleachers to watch the game.

But today, the Devonford boys finished their pre-game prep in the locker room before the Beacon boys. Brett paraded out across the field, an arrogant grin on his lips. Abigail tried her best to avoid her boyfriend's enemy's gaze but he refused the hint and walked right up to her, invading her personal space.

"Hey, Abs." He greeted proudly. "How you doin'?"

Brett had never given her attention like this before. The only words they had ever exchanged were simple hello's - but even then, she was side-by-side with Liam, so she had no clue as to why he was flirting with her.

"Oh, I'm, uh, I'm good." She answered awkwardly, her eyes flickering from the bleachers to her shoes.

"That's great. So, what brings you up here?" He asked. Abigail was thoroughly confused at this point. He knew fairly well that she and Liam were together; she was even wearing his lacrosse hoodie with 'DUNBAR #9' in noticable white letters on it, like she did every other game.

"I'm here to watch the game, I always do." She answered straightforwardly. "My boyfriend, Liam, plays."

This made Brett let out a loud laugh. "Yeah, I know that. Dunbar? What a kid."

"Excuse me?!" Abigail frowned bitterly.

"Come on, Abs." He replied casually. "How about after this game, I show you what it's like to be with a real man."

Liam said boredly through another long and 'inspirational' speech from Coach Finstock. The only thing he wanted to do was run out of the locker rooms and pursue his hug-and-kiss tradition with his girlfriend.

"Now get your asses out their and prove to that team that we can kick their asses more than once!" Coach shouted viciously. The team let out a roar of responses as they charged out of the building like a stampede.

Of course, Liam had had to be the last one out, Stiles and Scott rambling in front him like overly-excited puppies.

Liam's eyes searched the field's vicinity for the familiar head of hair and his own hoodie that he knew she'd be wearing. As he finally spotted you, his eyes went from seeking to sullen in an instant. He silently growled at Brett from a distance as he focused his hearing in to their conversation.

"Excuse me?!"

"Come on, Abs. How about after this game, I show you what it's like to be with a real man."

Liam's nostrils flared and his face turned red.

"You're joking, right?" He heard his girlfriend reply. "That request is ludicrous on so many levels. For one, Liam is the only man I need in my life and I don't plan on replacing him any time soon." Liam's heart warmed and his eyes subtly turned back from yellow to their natural color. "Two, you are no man, flirting with girls who you know is in a relationship. I don't even know why you're doing this, to be honest. So please, don't speak to me and don't ever try and pull something like that again."

Liam had sufficienly calmed down after hearing her defend their relationship, but the anger was still present and was wholly directed at Brett. Walking toward the two, he took deep breaths to keep himself from lashing out.

"I agree with her." Liam spoke, lacing his arm over Abigail's shoulders, his eyes like daggers - pointing precisely at Brett. "Don't speak to her and don't try and pull that shit again."

Brett narrowed his eyes down at Liam, trying to make his nemesis feel small, but Liam disregarded any attempt to bring him down. He was pissed, and fully intended winning this argument.

"That's a dumb decision on your part." Brett directed to you before turning and walking back to his teammates.

Abigail took a breath. "Liam, I swear to God I didn't flirt back or anything-"

"I know, babe."

"You do?" She said, confused.

Liam chuckled. "I kinda listened in on your conversation."

Abigail smiled. "Right. Werewolf hearing, forgot about that."

Liam said nothing in return but instead placed his lips on hers passionately, smiling. She took no time in returning the action. Liam pulled away with a grin on his face.

"What was that for?" She asked, grinning.

"For telling him off. You defended our relationship instead of flirting back. And, for what you said about me." He said honestly. "I don't plan on replacing you any time soon either."

Abigail blushed. "You heard that.."

"I'm glad I did." Liam said. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Abigail responded genuinely. "Good luck out there. Kick his ass."

Liam laughed, but wasted no time in hugging her and kissing her on the cheek before running onto the field, fully pumped for the game.

[hope you liked this !! so sorry i ttook so long i'm just a really busy person

so yeah



so yeah !!! stay tuned



message me to chat bc i love to chat

ily all


have a great great day]

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