Ready, Set, Don't Go

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It seemed like it was just yesterday you were opening your acceptance letter to Stanford University, your parents, friends and boyfriend surrounding you in anticipation as you broke the envelope seal. But that day was months ago—now, you were hauling the last of your boxes containing almost every single one of your possessions into the car. Once everything was stuffed into your family's SUV, you turned back to look at the house you grew up in. Every memory, both good and bad, rushed through your mind and your heart pumped with pining nostalgia. You smiled to yourself and turned to say goodbye to your friends.

"I'm going to miss you so much," Lydia exhaled, throwing her arms around you.

"I'll miss you too, Lyd." You said, hugging her back. "I'll visit you as much as possible."

You said your sentimental goodbyes to your circle of friends, and, after everyone had left, the last person you had to bid farewell to was Scott. You gave him a sad smile, which he returned, his eyes turning glossy.

"Hey," You whispered, grabbing his hands. "Don't cry. We'll still facetime, and Skype, and text. We can visit each other as much as possible."

"I know, I know," He muttered, wiping the salty tears from his eyes. "That doesn't mean I won't miss you."

You went up to him and gave him a tight hug, which he immediately returned. You swayed on your feet for several moments, grasping onto each other as if it were the last chance you had to.

"Don't leave me," Scott cried into your hair. A few tears of your own fell down your cheek and onto his grey shirt.

"I'm not leaving you," You reminded him, pulling away to look into his eyes. "I never will."

He smiled. "I love you, (Y/N)," He said, giving you one last hug and kiss, and sending you off into your car.

You sat in the passenger seat, and watched his figure get smaller and smaller until you couldn't see him anymore. You turned forward to face the road, a few tears falling from your eyes. A few moments later, your phone buzzed.

Text from Scott:

Hey baby :)

You smiled and laughed to yourself, and you knew this relationship was worth keeping through the distance.


"I'm sorry. I don't feel like a priority to you."

Those were possibly the hardest words you ever had to say. You choked back tears and tried to stop your lip from quivering, as you clutched the box of your belongings from his loft. Derek looked to you desperately, tears of sadness and vulnerability lining his eyes, two emotions you rarely witnessed from him. 

"B-But I.." He couldn't find the right words. "You are. You're my priority, my first priority."

"Then why don't you act like it?" You had no idea where this new confidence came from, but you assumed it was just bottled up frustration of always feeling second place to your boyfriend of all people. "I mean, I don't need to be the sun your world revolves on, but I'd like to feel important to you all the time, not just some of the time."

Little did you know that you were the sun that his world revolved around. His brain ran itself in circles around the concept you addressed. Had he really been that absorbed in the supernatural happenings that he hadn't paid you any attention? He'd like to think he did pretty well, but, as he reviewed himself, he found himself to be wrong.

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