With A Little Help From My Friends - Liam Dunbar

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[warning; this kinda paints lydia and malia in a bad way for most of it in the beginning. i don't actually believe they'd be this extreme towards someone. hope you like it!]

It started four weeks after they became a couple.

Liam had, after months of oblivious mutual crushing, asked (Y/N) to be his girlfriend and she happily obliged. Together, they were happy. In addition to their rising rank on the Beacon Hills social ladder, they had been labelled the Couple of the School. Every boy wished for such a fantastic girlfriend like (Y/N), and every girl longed for an adorable relationship like (Y/N) had with Liam - even though Liam only had his sights set on (Y/N).

(Y/N) and Liam were happy - until Liam finally introduced her to the pack.

About four weeks after they had become boyfriend-and-girlfriend, Liam had dragged (Y/N) to the pack's infamous movie night.

"Liam, are you sure I'm welcome here? I don't wanna intrude on time with your friends." (Y/N) asked skeptically. Liam smiled.

"Of course, I talked to Scott and he was cool with it. And besides, I want them to meet you. Any friends of mine should be friends of yours." He affirmed jovially, kissing her cheek. (Y/N) blushed and grinned. Liam was the boyfriend she had dreamed of - polite, charming, funny, chivalrous, and so much more. She had no idea how she had gotten so lucky. (And it was more than safe to say that Liam felt the same. He adored his girlfriend and the ground she walked on.)

Knocking on the door chastely, Liam stepped back and wrapped his hand around (Y/N)'s. He could tell she was nervous. He could smell anxiety radiating off of her - though he'd never tell her that due to her absence of knowledge on anything supernatural - but the last thing he wanted was for her to feel uncomfortable.

Scott opened the door, eyeing Liam and (Y/N) while smiling. "Hey! You guys could make it!"

Liam nodded as he led you into the house. Scott shut the front door and caught up with you as Liam led the way to the living room. Soon, they faced the entire pack lounging around Scott's couches, chairs, and floor with solo cups and snack bowls everywhere. Everyone seemed to be in their own conversations until (Y/N) and Liam arrived. They all looked up to the pair with either confused or blank faces.

Liam coughed. "Um, guys, this is (Y/N), my girlfriend I had told you about."

(Y/N) gave a shy smile and wave to the group and awaited a reaction.

Kira grinned up at the pair. "Hi! It's nice to meet you!" A chorus of introductions followed hers. Scott stepped out from behind them.

"So, (Y/N), I'm Scott, and there's Kira, Stiles, Malia, Derek, and Lydia. It's great to meet you." Scott introduced warmly, and gave a sly grin. "Liam's told you plenty about you."

Liam's face flushed red as (Y/N) chuckled, trying to hide her nerves. "All good things, I hope?"

Stiles gave a humorless laugh from the couch. "Nothing but good things. Trust me."

(Y/N) grinned bashfully as Liam guided her to their saved spot on the couch. As she sat down, she could feel the stares of everyone in the room on her - but two stood out among the others. They were more judgemental than curious; more citicizing than observing.

Lydia pursed her lips as she stared (Y/N) down head to toe. Predominantly negative thoughts surrounding her outfit, hair, makeup and general body language swarmed her head. Negative not because (Y/N) was ugly or unattractive - but Lydia recognized that name. (Y/N) (Y/L/N), the name rising on the social ladder. Beacon Hill's little miss wonderful title was starting to go to the freshman rather than herself. Although she'd never admit to it, Lydia was jealous. This freshman was stealing her thunder and snatching her spot at the top.

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