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You were home sick with the flu and your boyfriend Stiles was right by your side the whole time, trying anything to make you crack a smile.

"Are you sure you don't want anything?" He asked.

You groaned, but stifled a tiny smile. "Stiles, for the twentieth time, I'm fine. If you ask again, I'm kicking you out."

He chuckled, and then pondered on a way to try and make you smile. He suddenly sat up, his eyes sparked with life, and it seemed he had what you'd call a 'lightbulb-moment'.

"I'll tell you some jokes!" He exclaimed.

You rolled your eyes. "Fine."

"Okay, I got one. Okay. What does a storm trooper do after a night of drinking?" He asked with a giddy smile.

You internally sighed at his Star Wars reference. "What?"

"Pew-ke, pew-ke, pew-ke," He said, holding in a laugh. [[A/N: GET IT GUYS LIKE PUKE HAHA I THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY IN MY HEAD]]

You giggled, not only at the irony of the joke, but of your boyfriend's obtrusive dorkiness. Your laugh made him start to laugh as well.

"Well, I'm glad I could make you smile baby girl." He grinned.


"I am not wearing that."

You pouted, holding the costume in front of you.

"Why not? It's Halloween, Der! And besides, it's not even that bad!" You countered. Derek huffed.

"Not that bad? I'm not dressing up as Superman!" He argued, "And besides, Batman is better." 

Sometimes, (or all the time), you and Derek were the complete opposite; you obviously being the more lively one, Derek being the 'black is life' and quiet-yet-powerful type.

"I don't care! Pleeease, Der, for me?" You pleaded. You did not want to be the only couple not dressed up at a Halloween Party; especially one with all of your old high school friends that knew both you and Derek.

Derek shut his eyes and sighed, rubbing his hands over his face. "Fine." He said, looking not amused. "Give me the damn costume." 

You let out a tiny squeal and handed over the costume bag, which Derek snatched from your hands unhappily. "Thank you, baby!" You exclaimed, giving Derek a side hug, and looking up to his frowny-face. "Hey, don't be sad. It's only for one night, 'kay?"

"Yeah, yeah."

"You wanna hear the joke I'm using?" You prompted, eyes staring questioningly and jokingly into his eyes and you grin widening.

"No, not really, considering I'll probably be hearing it all night."

You scoffed mockingly. "I'll tell you anyways. Okay. What did one werewolf say to the other werewolf? 'Howl's it going?'!"

"A werewolf joke? Really?"

"Yep!" You beamed.

He let out a laugh, shaking his head. "You're so lucky I love you."


"Li, tell me a joke."

Liam's face contorted to one of confusion and amusement as he looked up from his History book. "What?"

"I said, tell me a joke."

"And why should I do that?"

"Because, it's almost Halloween and I love Halloween jokes. And also the fact that I'm your girlfriend." You joked. Liam chuckled and sat up, eyes wandering to the ceiling as he thought.

"What has bread on both sides and is afraid of everything?"

"Me in a burrito?" 

"No, but good answer. A chicken sandwich."

[a/n: wow those suck i'm sorry especially liam's idek but enjoy that fetus pic of dylan obrien cos it made me giggle]

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