Isaac One-Shot for Rose

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[Name: rose Boy: issac Scene: laying in the woods looking at the stars]

One of Rose's all time favorite things was looking at the stars at night. Ever since she was little, the small bright stars had never failed to interest and intrigue her. Every once in a while, she'd grab her favorite red blanket and spread it out in an open spot in her backyard, and lay down and watch the night sky. That was one of the first things her boyfriend Isaac had learnt about her.

Her amazement with the stars amazed Isaac. It became one of his favorite things to do as well, besides watching Rose watch the stars. It uncommunicatively became their '"thing"; that one thing that they did as a couple, together. Star-gazing became their favorite thing.

After they had been officially going out for a few weeks, Isaac began planning what he would gift Rose on their one-month anniversary. He struggled to find a physical object that he thought was good enough for her; he tried looking for jewelry, but he couldn't even afford a bus fare. He tried looking for clothes, but he feared that it wouldn't be her size or style so he avoided that completely. He had even resorted to going on Google an typing in 'what to get girlfriend for anniversary' but to no avail. All of the results were too cheesy and cheap, and he wanted something genuine and special for his girl.

Isaac had taken a jog, just a few nights before the big day, at night, and as he was passing the overlook, he stopped to admire the view of the city. How the cars and street lights glistened. How the moon illuminated the forest, leaving no need for artificial light. How the bright stars twinkled.

And then it struck him.

What was Rose's favorite thing to do? Watch the stars. He decided immediately that bringing her to the overlook would be what he would gift to his beloved girlfriend. He'd even throw in a picnic basket and the blanket they always used to lay on. On the jog back, he had been so jittery and excited that he wore a grin the whole way back to Scott's house.

Friday came. Just as Isaac promised, he picked Rose up at half-past five, all his date necessities in the trunk of his car. Rose hopped into his car with a dress and loose cardigan, her hair down and flowing and Isaac was speechless. As he backed out of her driveway, adjusting his front view mirror, he'd glance over at her and wonder how he had ever become so lucky.

"Where are we going?" She had asked, bubbling with ebulliency.

"That, my darling, is a surprise." He spoke, a knowing smirk growing on his lips. She giggled. "It might take a little bit to get there, but that's alright. You wanna listen to the radio?"

The pair spent the car ride dancing in their seats, belting out the lyrics to every song on northern California's Top 40's radio station, the windows rolled down and the music blaring. It kind of stung at Isaac's ears, but he brushed it off until he didn't notice it anymore. Rose was smiling in her seat next to him, singing the lyrics to Steal My Girl by One Direction, her hand tangled with Isaac's as it sat on the console, and it was music to Isaac's ears; the fact that he could hear everything ten times more clear and louder due to being a werewolf making the moment just that much better.

A few songs later, they arrived at the edge of the forest. Isaac parked in the small, vacant parking lot the was placed right on the membrane of the woods and retreived the supplies from the trunk. The sun was just setting, the orange and pinkness of the sky mixing with navy blue. Rose looked up to admire the colors, appreciating the moment though she was completely clueless as to what Isaac had planned.

Isaac came back around to the front of the car with a grey tote bag in one hand. He grabbed her hand with his other hand and began to walk the trail that wasn't set by concrete but by the tracks of all the people that had followed it. Without question, Rose followed in suit.

The five-minute walk was filled with a blissful silence, the sounds of the wind and forest critters captivating the scene. By then, the sun was set completely and it was only a matter of minutes until the stars would start appearing. When Isaac saw a peek of the city through the trees, he turned to his girlfriend.

"I'm going to need you to close your eyes for me." He told her.

Rose was about to protest with an iquiry, but caught herself before she did for she did not want to ruin Isaac's plan which she was quite excited about. So, as told, she closed her eyes and her hand stuck out, searching for her boyfriend to lead her. Her hand found his and his arm snaked around her waist, slightly pushing her forward. Moments later, they were standing on the outlook, the view of Beacon Hills looking more charming than it has ever been before. Isaac brought back his hands to silently set the blanket in a level spot, placing the food he had packed neatly on top. He stepped back to survey the setting before walking back over to Rose leaning close to her ear.

"You can open your eyes now."

Rose hesistently opened her eyes, blinking before taking in the sight in front of her. A small gasp left her lips as she noticed the view, all of Beacon Hills from an almost-aerial view. And then she saw the display Isaac made with their blanket and all her favorite food. And then, she looked up and saw the stars, and Isaac could see the reflection of the stars in her eyes. A grin slowly broke out on her face, and she turned to her boyfriend.

"Isaac, this.. this is amazing!" She exclaimed, looking back out over the city. "How did you find this place?"

"I always use this trail to run, and I thought you'd like it.."

"Like it? Isaac, I love it. I love you. Thank you so much, it's perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better gift."

Isaac's heart warmed.

"I'm glad," He spoke softly, placing an arm around her. "Here, take a seat."

They sat and ate and talked, but mostly they had lain on the blanket, hand in hand, and just admired the sky.

Rose was perplexed. Never in her life had she seen something so... magnificent. Her heart swelled with love as she looked up, the stars shining like sequins. It felt like a dream. She loved the way the moon could light up the night. She loved how the stars looked like scattered diamonds. She loved the perfume of the forest trees mixed with the smell of her favorite pasta Isaac had made. And, most of all, she loved how she got to spend this moment with the one person she loved and adored the most; Isaac Lahey.

At the same time, Isaac was feeling similar emotions. He was in complete bliss. Just a few months ago he was the shy kid who never talked to anyone in fear of sharing his experiences with his father, the kid who never thought he would be happy, the kid who never thought he was worthy of anything pleasant. Yet, look at him now. Lying underneath the shimmering stars, on a tranquil night, hand in hand with his girlfriend, happier than he's ever been his whole life.

Isaac turned his head to the side to gaze at his girlfriend's amazed face, brightened by the moon's light. He heart swelled and stuttered. He could not wrap his mind around how lucky he is to have this gorgeous, intelligent, perfect woman. His dream girl. His anchor. He sighed in adoration, a smile playing on his lips, and turned his head back up to look at the sky.

This was truly the perfect night.

[ a/n: i changed it only slightly and added a bit more to it.. hope you like it! and ps the wait was short because i knew exactly what i was gonna do as soon as i read your request :))))) ]

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