♢ Iced chocolate - Daisuga ♢

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One-shot requested by Yaoi_Is_Cute and SleepyAkiko. Sorry I had to merge ideas because they were very similar.

I was pretty happy with this so I hope you like it!



The bitter and cold wind hit Dachi's face like a wave. Gusts of wind came and went in a continuing cycle. Small snowflakes fell from the dark grey clouds, painting the surrounding scenery a blinding white.

Bringing his hands out of his pocket, the dark-haired male blew into them, trying to warm them up.

Stuffing his hands back into his pocket, Daichi quickened his pace, not wanting to be late to his so-called 'brate' with Bokuto and Kuroo. When questioned what a 'brate' was, apparently it was a bro date, just the two words made into one.

Having nothing to do and wanting a break from the stress of college, the male had no other option than to agree.

The small tingle of the bell rang out through the reasonably unoccupied cafe. The warm air of the heaters was a nice change from the freezing winds of the snowy outside.

"Aye, Daichi!" a painfully familiar voice called out.

Turning towards a small table that was occupied by an owl looking male and a male with rooster-like hair.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late," he said, hanging up his coat and scarf on a small coat hanger.

"No problem, we already ordered if that's okay with you" Bokuto's usual upbeat voice rang out over the cafe, receiving a few weird looks and murmurs from the other customers.

"Don't cause a scene," Daichi said with a stern look.

The dark-haired male was not in the mood to clean up after his friend's stupid antics, especially if he had to pay for such a nice cafe.

"Well have you decided what you want?" Kuroo spoke up, breaking the tension Daichi had caused.

"Oh hmm-"

Before the tanned male could finish an angelic voice broke in. Still looking down at the menu, the dark-haired male health heartedly asked for a minute.

Finally deciding on a drink and some food, Daichi looked up at the waiter, only to be stopped in his tracks by what you would consider a real-life angel.

His hair was a beautiful silver that shone in the cafe's natural lighting. His hazel eyes were like pools of chocolate, swirling with a homely warmth that made Daichi want to get lost in them for all of eternity.
"Sir, have you decided yet?"

"O-Oh uh, an iced chocolate?" the dark-haired male said with a questioning tone, forgetting everything he had pre-decided.

"An iced chocolate?" the waiter said with a small giggle, obviously finding Daichi's suffering entertaining.

"Y-yea," he said, shrinking back in his seat, his face lightly dusted with a rosy blush.

"Sure, we'll have it out in a minute" the silver-haired waiter flashed a smile before returning to his place behind the counter.

Looking back at his friends, Daichi was met with the snarky smirks of Bokuto and Kuroo, obviously silently mocking him.


"So what?" Daichi fired back, not wanting to be tormented.

"Looks like you've got your eye on the waiter aye?" Bokuto's sly remark was enough to send the dark-haired male over the edge.

"It's not like he would like me anyway plus he's probably not gay-"

"You realise that he's not supposed to be taking orders? He's one of the baristas," Kuroo spoke up, interrupting the male's sentence.

"Wait what"

"Yea, his name is Koushi Sugawara I'm pretty sure. He's in one of my classes, works part-time here as a barista" Kuroo said as if it was plain obvious.

"Wait how do you know this?"
"I've talked to him before, nice guy, I honestly tried hooking you guys up before but you never showed up" the rooster haired male pointed a finger at Daichi who was becoming more and more embarrassed by the second.


"Come on, of course, you have a chance!" the owl man said, still hyped up.


Daichi never had time to finish his sentence.

"One iced chocolate for... Daichi Sawamura?" the same angelic voice called out over the cafe, his name rolling off their tongue perfectly.

"Oh uh, yep" the short-haired male scrambled to get up, almost tripping over the chair.

Striding over to the counter, Daichi quickly sorted himself out as if on instinct, not wanting to look like an even bigger fool than he already was.

"Y-yea, the iced chocolate is for me" he stuttered.

Doing well so far.

"I know" Sugawara flashed a bright smile, as he moved the cold drink across the counter "I hope to see you again"

Smiling back at the silver angel, Daichi quickly returned to his seat, where he was greeted with the ever-growing smirks of his friends.
Before he could take a set, Bokuto pushed his chair back.

"Look, it's Agaashi!"

Before Daichi or Kuroo could reply, he sped off out the door into the chilly and snowy winds, embracing a raven-haired male in a bear hug.

"I should probably go as well, Kenma said he had a surprise for me later" Kuroo excused himself.

"See you later, it was nice catching up" the dark-haired male waved goodbye.

Now he sat by himself in the middle of the cafe, his iced chocolate slowly warming up in the cafe's homely warmth.

Glancing down at the plastic cup, Daichi couldn't help but notice an arranged scribble on the cup.

'Call me if you're interested >-< xxx-xxx-xxxx'

His chocolate eyes widened as he whipped his head to come into eye contact with those angelic honey orbs of the silver barista.

Standing up, he flashed one last smile to Sugawara as he left the pleasant warmth of the cafe into the brisk cold of the snow-covered streets of japan with one thought on his mind.

When he was going to call the living angels number.


I just remembered that I didn't make a cover for "Overwhelmed" so Imma go do that *awkward finger guns*

Stay safe and remember to drink your daily water uwu (No takebacks)


Haikyuu one-shot wondersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz