|• Name Games - Osasuna •|

211 12 17

Would you believe I wrote this in half an hour in the middle of assembly and sort of forgot about it to come back to it a week later?



Suna sat in class, aimlessly staring at a blank wall, yet to be filled with the useless posters and artwork that that this class would make in the future.

He rubbed his hand through his soft dark hair, pushing a few line strands from his face.

Glancing back at the teacher, Suna day back up in his seat, his bored expression showing shamelessly on his face.

As if fate were against him, he zoned back in, just as his teacher said the dreadful words.

"Let's play a name game, get into pairs with someone you don't know, I'll give you all a list of questions and you'll both answer them" she sounded overexcited, what a weird way to start the school year.

The rest of the class for up, all eagerly joining up, making pairs and starting on the questions.

Suna scowled, name games were the worst part of school, he car here to learn, not to make friends with a bunch of nerds.

"Hey, you have a partner?" A deep voice asked, the tone almost as bored as the black-haired male himself.

"Romantically or for this stupid game?" Suna said, cracking a joke as he looked up to see who had asked him.

The guy's hair was platinum silver, he sported an undercut which seemed to be black, presumably his natural hair colour.

The male wore the schools uniform, it was a sort of very tidy messy, almost bad boy style.

"Either or," the guy said in a serious tone "Be my partner for this thing, you seem like the only bearable person"


The pair got settled down, sitting down at a desk, across from each other. They both sat in silence, looking over the paper with questions written down.

"So, your name?" Suna asked

"Osamu Miya might as well use my first name since I share a last name with my twin" the silver-haired male snickered, slightly smirking at himself.

"Well I'm Rintarou Suna, I don't have any siblings so call me Suna"

"Hmm, where are you from?"

Small boring questions continued to be shared between the two, such as 'Do you have any siblings?' and other boring questions.

Yet as much as they said they hated it, along the way somewhere, they grew to enjoy each other's company, laughing at the others sarcastic jokes and slightly enjoying themselves.

"Okay, that's the end of the lesson, pack up your stuff and I'll see you next time!" The teacher called, her overly enthusiastic tone irritating both Suna and Osamu.

The pair glanced at each other, both slightly disappointing.

As the rest of the class packed up their stuff in a hurry, the two boys took their time, savouring the time they spent next to each other.

"Hey... you know what you said when I asked to be your partner?" Osamu said in a small tone, surprising Suna.

"The romantic or name thing right?"


"Sure, what about it?"

"Well... do you mind if I get to be your romantic partner?"

Osamu's Hans trembled slightly as he placed his Japanese book into his bag, nerves getting the best of him.

All Suna could do was stare at the silver-haired male in disbelief, the male in front of him stared awkwardly into his bag, a rosy blush crossed across his face.

"Sorry, it was just a thought," Osamu said, trying to uphold his confident demeanour.

"Sure, ramen after school" the blacked haired male smirked.

"Sounds like a date," the silver-haired male said with a sigh, waving goodbye as he left for his next class.

To Suna, he would always hate name games, but maybe, just this once, he didn't mind it.


Lmao it was short but sweet >w<

Stay safe! (no takebacks)


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