~ Slip of the tongue - Kinkuni ~

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First off, this is very very old. It was supposed to be a two-part thing but I gave up. The whole idea is really weird as well, but hey it's something. 


It had started with an insufferable lie. A slip of the tongue. Back in high school Kunimi and Kindaichi had been close, both of them in their second year and working hard to keep the Aoba Josai name proud.

Though things had extended past their weekly club activities. Some weekends they caught themselves hanging out at a park, or eating at a nice cafe, even something as small as relaxing at each other's house.

Being in the presence of each other for so long, students and adults alike started to latch onto them, making their own rumours and whispering about them when they thought they weren't looking. Yet voices travel fast and eventually the two who were stuck in the middle of the mess caught wind of it.

Things only went down from there. Every meeting they had begun to have an awkward silver lining, always feeling the rumours weigh down on the friendship of theirs.

Yet neither of them felt the pressure of the whispers behind their backs till someone finally bought it up to the pair.

It had been a simple day, volleyball training in the morning, school, then more volleyball training in the afternoon. It was the normal routine for the school's sports team, as they had to keep their reputation up as a fearless and strong school, taking down any opponents that stood in their way.

The lazy sun shone down onto Kindaichi and Kunumi who were striding along to their final practice of the day, neither of them feeling bothered to put up with the humidity of the afternoon.

"When can winter come, it's too hot," the male with his hair spiked up complained, looking down on his friend who seemed to be more interested in his shoelaces.

"You say that, but you're going to complain in winter that it's too hot" Kunimi mumbled under his breath, adjusting his shoulder bag to sit more comfortably.

Before Kindaichi could give his answer, a figure from the gym came running up to them as they entered the gym. It was a small first year, a manager who was trying out for a week. She had short black hair with a turquoise ribbon tied in a bow and a very pretty face, giving her a very cute look to her.

Yet the team knew better than to trust her outer looks. After spending less than a week with her, teaching her where the volleyballs were kept and the basics of the game so she could keep score, the team knew she was a hardcore otaku, obsessed with BL's and romance.

Finally reaching the pair, the young girls shining blue eyes seemed to have stars in them.

"Kindaichi, Kunimi, is it okay if I ask you a question?" she hovered around them, almost buzzing with excitement.

"Sure, but make it quick, we have practise," the taller of the three said, looking down on the cute girl who wasted no time asking away.

"Are you two dating?"

A heavy silence fell across the gym, the sound of the sneakers squeaking dulling into nothing as the players stopped to stare at the awkward team members who were standing in the entranceway, their hands dropping to their side in disbelief.

Yet the first to act was none other than the sly Kindaichi, a playful smile working its way onto his face.

"Yes we are, is there a bother?" he replied, snatching up Kunimi's hand in his own.

Yet the younger girl seemed lost in her own world, her eyes tearing up as she ran off, brimming with overwhelming happiness. Her footsteps were soft on the wooden floor from the trainers she was wearing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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