✟ Behind the church - Daisuga ✟

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So this was based on this song-



Disclaimer: This isn't my view of people of religion. Though I'm not Christian nor do am I a part of any sort of religion I belong to so I'm sorry if I have got anything wrong or offended anyone, please feel free to tell me because I know this can be a sensitive thing! <3

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His skin was like caramel, the dapples of sunlight dancing across it in rainbow colours through the glass stained windows of our holy lord. His tanned skin was clear, like a summer sky, free from clouds and worries about life. It glowed with life, like a fresh morning dew that glimmered in the sunlight.

The subtle hair that grew on his chin gave him a sense of maturity as if he could lead an entire kingdom to victory. It gave him a face of confidence.

Oh, how my hands dreamed to skim across his body, taking in every crevice and dimple, the rise and fall of his chest, the warmth and the cold. The young scrapes and elderly scars. The new wrinkles and the old moles. Yet these are all fantasies... I shall not go against the holy ones, I must stay true to what is right... and that is to be loyal to god.


His hair was short and spiky, yet, there was almost a softness to it. The way it rustled in the cool breeze that flowed through the church. Small strands of hair dusting over his forehead.

It came down his neck, always inches from my face as I sat in the pew behind him. It always smelled of strawberries, such a childish yet attractive scent. The smell of childhood, the smell of love. A sickly sweet scent that never failed to remind me of my unholy yet undying love.

Sometimes his hair would grow out, forming in small tufts on his head, the dark chocolate brown locks sawing to the wind as if stuck in a never-ending dance, enchanted by the sweet melodies of the sacred and dramatic organ.

Yet the next week it would always return to its former state, short and trimmed, always a grim reminder, that I was sinning. Doing the unforgivable. So I reminded myself, I shall not sin, I shall stay true.


Each passing week I find something new that attracts me to him. This time it was his eyes. Always ablaze with an intense fire of determination. Even from across the church, it is easy to take note of how deep the scars of feelings go, just by glancing into those dark and emotional eyes of his.

Kindness ringed his eyes, forming in the edges in small creases every time he smiled. They were the eyes of a hopeless romantic, a kind boy, a responsible man, so many words to describe them yet none of them would come close to reality.

If I looked into them for more than a second, I would not be able to pull myself out. I would get lost and brown in those hazel orbs, forever being dragged down, further and further, never reaching the bottom.

Yet I never get close, for I watch him from across the pews, he sits up front, staring with a star-struck expression at the pastor, his father, while I sit at the back, my heart silently aching.

Alas, I must continue to stay strong, or the sake of our holy father


His lips seemed to be perfect. Forming, curving, creating words of those from the bible. They formed perfectly, moving up and down. If words were being spoken, I was deaf, for all I could focus on in that present moment was those rounded lips.

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