• Talking to the moon - Tsukkiyama •

201 7 35

Based off:


This is an Ancient Greek/god au so enjoy!



"Talk to me in the moon"


Tadashi's voice echoed in the dim night air as the olive haired boy watched his friend, his only friend, fall.

His brain scrambled to keep up with what was going on in front of him. They were only 13 years old... Why did this have to happen to the one person, the only person who stood by Tadashi's side?

Watching as the blonde-haired boy fell into the ocean with a soft splash, tears rolled down the boy's face as he faced the reality of losing his childhood friend.

It didn't have to end like this. Kei didn't have to jump... yet he did. And there was no going back.

With the sun rising over the sealing horizon, Tadashi couldn't hold the screams in. His voice cried out across the land, falling over everything around him, his tears watering the grass below him.


"Kei... how are you?" Tadashi started the same as always.

Even with his friend gone for 4 years, Kei's final words stuck in his head.

'Talk to me in the moon'

It was nice, almost calming going out onto his balcony each night, welcoming the moon into his life once more.

"You're probably doing great heh. One day maybe I'll see you again"

Bird's small tweets filled the night air as Tadashi waited for a reply that never came.

"Oh well... anyway it's my birthday tomorrow, that'll make it 5 years since... since you..." The olive haired boy couldn't form words. It was too painful to admit that his childhood friend had jumped at his own free will. Even if I was a brutal world living in the Roman times, he could have just approached Tadashi about it... yet he chose to suffer in silence

Glancing up at the moon, a tear rolled down the boy's face as the memories of the past flooded back to him, bringing the pain he wished he could banish.

Why? It was a question he asked every night, every time he looked up at the moon. Why did he jump? Why why why.

Tears continued to form a puddle at his feet, his singular tear now forming into waterfalls of salt tinted tears that's poured down his face.

Deciding he had enough for tonight, Tadashi made his way inside to his room where a small candle flickered. Blowing out the candle, the olive haired boy hopped into bed and fell onto a restless and disturbed sleep.

"Come here Freckles, don't be a wimp"

The older boy's teasing was nothing new for Tadashi. Whether it be about his face or his constant habit of talking to the night sky, they were always somewhere near, trying to put the boy's life into misery.

"Aww is the birthday boy running away?" Their constant teasing continued as the boy sprinted down the road.

Now being 18, it was considered to be weak to run away, as a Roman you needed to face your challenges face on. Yet... yet Tadashi couldn't do that. His heart was too soft and he didn't have the mental capacity to take someone's life, therefore living his life in fear.

Haikyuu one-shot wondersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora