✬ Somebody that i used to know - Daisuga/Daiyui ✬

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This was very half-assed and I could have done way better but oh well I guess. It was just very awkward to write in a way.

Also please don't hate on this, I was nervous to post this, and yes I know it's mainly Daiyui and it hurt to write so like, we on the same boat :D



It was a cold morning in the Miyagi prefecture. Snow fell daintily to the ground, forming a crisp white landscape that seemed right out of a fairy tale.

Daichi Sawamura was out and about, walking through the bustling mall with his wife.

Their palms were clasped together, forming a tight bond between the pair.

The married couple were lazily walking about, looking at the window displays as they passed by.

"Oh that dress looks so pretty" Yui gasped as they passed a certain store that sold woman's clothes.

"Do you want to buy it?" Daichi questioned, admiring the star-struck look on his lovers face.

"It's fine, it would cost too much anyway"

"No, no, come on, today is your special day remember!" The male said in an almost scolding tone.

"It's only my birthday"

"Your birthday is a big deal Yui, now come on"

Not taking any talk back, Daichi dragged his wife into the sweet-smelling store, the air conditioning cool and welcoming against their exposed skin.

"Babe are you sure?" The Wong woman said hesitantly, not wanting to spend any money on something as useless as a dress

"Of course, now go, try on anything you want to," he said, placing a small kiss on Yui's head.

His wife didn't waste a second, running off and grabbing dress upon dress.

"Do you mind judging them for me?" She asked, coming out of one of the racks with an armful of various coloured fabrics.

"Of course honey, I would love to!"

Watching his wife with love in his eyes, Daichi followed her to the dressing rooms, watching her struggle to communicate with an employee.

He chuckled to himself, pondering over the same question that crossed his mind every day. How in the world did he score someone so adorable.

She was a perfect match for him, soulmates if you would. While Daichi was the responsible and reasonable one, Yui tended to be the more outgoing and fun one, though always careful to do things with Daichi's permission.

Staring down at his phone, he scrolled through the news, reading over a recent article about the rise in house prices.

"Hey Daichi, can you check this" Yui called out from the dressing room as she poked her head around the door.

"Sure thing"

A smile creased the woman's face as she opened the door to reveal a crimson red dress that came about halfway down her thighs. There was a sash ribbon tied around the waist with a huge bow, the dress grilling out from beneath.

"What do you think," she asked in a nervous tone.

"It's... breathtaking" Daichi could barely form words at the perfect form of his wife.

He looked stunning, her dark and fluffy hair fitting with the dress.


"Why would I lie to you?"

A soft smile played over her face, a rosy blush formed over her face at the compliment.

"Okay, I'm going to try on some more if that's okay!"

Daichi nodded, watching his wife disappears behind the door. Returning to his phone, a figure appeared over him, casting a shadow

"Are you okay sir?"

Looking up, Daichi froze in place, looking up into honey dewed eyes. The employee spotted an undercut, though his silver hair fell daintily over his face. A beauty marked dotted his right cheek over his pale skin along with many piercings on his ears.

"Sir are you okay, you went pale?"

No, no, he disappeared years ago, there's no way he's alive.

"K-Koushi?" The tanned man spluttered, looking up at the man with desperation in his eyes.

A silence followed them, the employee looking rather uncomfortable with the situation, contemplating what to do.

"I thought you would never recognise me" his voice was soft and delicate as if it were to break at any moment.

"S-So it is you? Why, why did you leave?"

"That's... that's something you shouldn't worry yourself with" a dark glare came across the silver-haired males face, a piercing gaze that could kill.

"Suga tell me what happened, please I need to know"

"I gave up, I needed a new start, but I came back and look what happened"

"But you didn't have to cut me off, Suga we could have-"

"No, you have a wife now"

"Why are you treating me like a stranger, please, can we just talk"

"No, you're just somebody that I used to know a long time ago, someone I have no need to associating myself with... especially after what happened"

"Daichi can you check this dress for me?" Yui broke the conversation, calling out to her husband.

"I suggest you go help her and don't tell her what happened, I'm sure she won't be happy that your ex-boyfriend is still alive" Sugawara hissed, turning on his heel and walking off to the counter.


His wife's words were muffled, his vision blurred. All his attention was focused on the silver-haired male that was now chatting to his co-worker behind the counter as if nothing had happened.

"Who was that?" The unknown employee whispered.

"No one important, just someone I used to know"


Okay once again, please don't hate on any of the characters, I tried my hardest with this and was super nervous to post this

Have an awesome day :D (No takebacks)


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