❊ Egg Hunt - Asanoya ❊

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Thank you Dachshund_Games for the idea!



Nishinoya took easter very seriously, always making sure he was the one to find the most eggs out of his siblings, hiding and hoarding the chocolate, always on the lookout. It was the one time of year when he was able to eat as much chocolate as he could without fear of being judged.

Yet since moving out the previous year, he had felt a sense of loneliness, knowing he wouldn't be able to spend the day with his family. University tests were now taking over most of his time and study was important, he didn't even have time to spend with Asahi who lived with him and worked a full-time job as a professional apparel designer.

Though the couple managed to get by with cuddles on the couch with paper laid across them while Nishinoya snuggled into the larger one's arms, his attention always focused on the tests and formula's in front of him.

On a certain night, Asahi was running his fingers through his boyfriend's hair, enjoying the calming music that he played to help him stay focused. Ironically, it not only helped the university student but the larger male as well as he calmed down from work.

"Hey Yuu, Easter is coming up, you wanna do anything?" Asahi whispered, his voice rough and hoarse as he had been lying in silence on the couch for hours, watching Noya study.

"Sorry, I have to study" was the short reply he gave.

It was strange. The small male used to love easter so much, and he was going to throw it all away for some studying. Hadn't he been studying enough? Thoughts raced through Asahi's mind as he thought of a way to help the younger of the pair. He hated to know that his lover was overworking himself, over the past weeks, he had barely seen Nishinoya take a break, only to go out for lunch twice on the weekend. Nowadays, they seldom ate dinner together, Asahi wanting to make something special while the younger of the pair opted to take out.

It wasn't Noya's fault, being a university student was hard, the older male knew that all too well as he had struggled to make time for the younger of the pair, yet he had always made time for him somehow.

Groaning, Asahi started to move, shaking the small figure in his lap.

"Hey I need to get up," he said in a dejected tone.

"Sorry," Noya said, not taking note of his surroundings as he absentmindedly stood up while still reading through a document on his laptop.

Sighing, the taller male walked off after yelling goodbye to a Nishinoya who was still invested in his studies, out the door and into the city, a plan forming in his mind.

An hour later, and Asahi was returning from his small trip, a plastic bag weighed down by a mysterious object in his hand. Calling out to his beloved boyfriend, a rising feeling of panic took over his body as he received silence.

"Yuu-" he died off, walking into the lounge to find a passed out boyfriend lying over his papers, his laptop still showing the document he had been typing on.

Sighing, Asahi walked over to the sleeping figure after placing the bag on a chair, making sure not to walk over any of the creaky floorboards with soft footsteps, tiptoeing over the various papers and pens scattered across the floor.

Picking up Nishinoya, he made sure not to wake the sleeping male as he walked over to their bedroom, placing the quiet body on the mattress while covering it with the duvet, tucking him in so he wouldn't mess up the bed as he did countless other times.

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