⭒Modern art - Daisuga⭒

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I'm really happy with how descriptive this is! This is my 100 follower special so ya!

Thank chu to KenmaTheCatGamer and Dachshund_Games for being amazing people!

SleepyAkiko you were my 100th follower! Thank you <333333

Wordcount: 2338




The early morning sun danced across the room, giving the apartment a warm and homely glow. While empty packets of chips and dirty cups were lazily placed across the dining table that sat in the middle of the room, a figure sat in a chair on the deck that looked out over an overflowing city, Tokyo. The male raised a cup to his mouth, taking a small sip from the creamy chocolate liquid while a small pamphlet lay open on the table next to him.

His honey coloured orbs scanned over a small piece of paper of an art exhibit, a modern art exhibit to be exact. The abstract paintings that flashed on the front cover were hand-painted by a well-known artist who seemed to be holding a special art exhibit to show some of his new pieces including some other peoples works as well.

"I might as well go" the soft voice of the male came.

His silver hair swayed in the soft breeze as he placed the paper on the table while raising the cup to his lips to take another sip of the warm chocolate drink.

Koushi Sugawara, 23, a digital artist. While a student at Karasuno high school the male had found his passion for art, more specifically, digital art. As this new overwhelming dream took pace, his old dream of becoming a teacher was quickly dropped as Sugawara started to study everything he could and practise whenever he got the chance.

By the time he was 19, the artist had started up his small business, drawing video game and anime commissions he received from a few of his followers. It wasn't the best job out there but he made enough to get by.

After placing the delicate teacup on its saucer, the silver-haired male stood up, his honey due eyes taking one last glance at the crowded city before turning on his heel to head inside his cosy apartment.

Turning on the air con, Suga trudged over to where his congested desk was. The stacks of paper with random sketches and small doodles on them were strewn across around the tablet that was playing soft music while lighting up an empty canvas.

A soft sigh echoed through the empty apartment as the honey-coloured male felt the motivation drain as he stared at the empty canvas. Lately, nothing was keeping Suga going, his art felt worthless and there was no point in continuing. It was missing something... like a purpose.

After sighing again, all Sugawara could do was take a seat in his old and worn out gaming chair and picked up a thin white pen with glowing blue light, indicating that it was charged and ready to be used.

Delicately pickup up the pen, the silver-haired male stared at the blank canvas on the screen as it stared right back. Suga's mind was buzzing, he knew exactly what he wanted to draw... but he didn't. While is hazel eyes scanned the screen, all the male could do was rack his brain.

Internally groaning, Sugawara finally lowered his pen to hover above the screen, making a small dot on the white screen. Not satisfied with even that small dot, his hands sped to the screen and double-tapped the screen, erasing whatever evidence was left of him trying to draw.

Haikyuu one-shot wondersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें