The One That Got Away

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Author's Note: So I was clearing out my old phone and I came across this unpublished One Shot. I wrote it a while back during a "Not So Happy" moment in my life although it was never meant to be published for personal reasons I couldn't bare to part with it. I love the concept of true love and happily ever after so I decided to tweak it and I'm pretty happy with its new version. Hope you like it as much as I do, Enjoy!!!!!!!


It's Thursday morning and the art gallery is buzzing with activity the new exhibit debuts this Saturday but officially opens on Monday. The Gallery is small but is well renowned for its architecture and is frequently commissioned for international art pieces. This Saturday was no exception Stella:"Hey Nina the exhibit is looking great per your usual" Me:"Thanks Hun but I still have a long way to go." S:"A few of us are going out for drinks later you wanna come?" Me:"No Thanks I'm good......." To the delivery men "Are those the pieces from Morocco?..... Those go to exhibit room B thanks " Stella "I'm sorry where were we" S:"Drinks tonight" Me:"No thanks Stell really I'm good" S:"You've been here what 9 years?" Me:"Almost 10" S:"Okay 10, the point is you never go out, you're constantly in here, you never date and when you do and someone tries to get close to you, you find a reason to push them away! I just don't get it! It's almost as if you've given up dating altogether" truth? I have or did 10 years ago when I lost my heart. His name was Jared he had the most beautiful deep blue eyes shoulder length hair and a smile to die for. We were high school sweethearts, we went to art college together he dropped out of school and moved west to make a better life for himself. I missed him like crazy he said he'd sent for me but he never did we kept in touch though, after trying and failing to forget I followed him out west. He had made a name for himself in music, I called him up a few days before he went on tour. When we met up again it was as if time had remained frozen just for us all the old emotions came flooding back I felt complete again life had meaning again. I dropped everything and followed him to Paris. It was supposed to be just him and me but his ex showed up

....... S:" oh shit doll... Look if you don't want to talk ....." Me:" it's ok I want to ........ Her name was Mattea she was a model turned actress blonde hair blue eyes thin as a rail and her voice....." I shivered " was like nails on chalk board. Frankly what he saw in her was beyond me. I found him in a cafe holding her hand I turned and I walked away. He came after me he said she was just a friend that she had been through a bad break up and was just offering her some friendly advice, I believed him and at first everything was going well we were happy till one day in London I came back to our hotel room and found her in our suite Jared had stepped out for a bit, she'd been crying she said she was sorry she never meant to hurt anyone but she loved him. She apologized again, this time while she placed her hands protectively over her belly. My whole world was shattered she was pregnant and it was his..... That night I slipped out of our room and I left him there and went back to L.A. A week later he showed up at our doorstep he said he loved me, that I was his only one and that the baby wasn't his that he'd never been intimate with her and again like an idiot I fell for it, he said he was on a lay over and couldn't stay but he told me to meet him in Miami so I did, I asked for his room but before I could even knock on the door I hear her voice M:"What are you doing here?" Me:"I should ask you the same thing" to Jared M:"Uhm baby where you expecting company" J:"Nina!!!!!" I was spent Me:"Baby? ....
It is yours isn't It?" J"Baby I can explain" Why Jared???? Just answer me that why??? WHY????? I love you dammit, you said she was just a friend that you never touched her! I gave you my heart my soul .... I left everything behind.....for you" He just looked at me in shock M:"I'm so sorry I didn't know ...... I" J:"Nina please..." Please what??? Please don't go. Please believe your bullshit! Please WHAT Jared???" J:"Don't go! I love you I swear I'll make it up to you. Please just don't go" M:"Jared..... What about the baby???" J:"Not Now!!!!! Nina please" ....... I can feel his breath on my skin tears are falling from my eyes and he kisses them away he leans in and whispers in my ear meet me at the airport buy a one way ticket to Brazil for tonight I'll be there I promise please"I cave in and went to meet him there later that night but he never showed I bought a ticket to Chicago and never looked back. I had to learn to breathe walk to feel without him!!!! For months, years he plagued my every waking moment and even my dreams there was no escaping his memory I tried to forget to move on but he's always there like a ghost invading my very soul. You're right I have pushed everyone away because their eyes aren't blue their arms are not his, when they speak it's not his voice I hear they don't feel the way he did........" Tears are rolling down my face "It's his touch I long for, his body I crave. I dream of his embrace and when I wake I scream out in agony because he isn't there" Stella pulls me into her arms S:"After all this time he's still here, he's always been here. Oh God Nina I'm so so sorry" my body aches as I sob onto her shoulder I haven't felt this pain this agony in a very long time because I never shared this with anyone. Two days later destiny would play a cruel joke on me. I was hosting the debut for a new exhibit mingling with guest and answering questions when I hear a familiar voice and my heart almost stops. It can't be...... Man:" Jared so how long are you in town for?" J:"Not sure yet I'm in town to take care of some personal business" I can't breathe I'm gasping for air tears fall mercilessly from my eyes No, why dear Lord why, why are you doing this to me I can't do this again!!!! Every door I closed slammed wide open a flood of emotions swept over me. I can't do this, I can't will my body to turn and face him I feel like I've been striped raw and left to die I look for the nearest exist and head for it. I run right into Stella "Nina what's wrong? Honey you're shaking......" J:"Nina?......Nina!!!" Dear God the sound of my name from his lips sends a shutter through my body. I turn to face him and he's even more beautiful than I remember he's sporting a trimmed beard his hair is longer and pulled back he's wearing a two piece suit with a crisp white opened shirt and he smell like heaven. Tears keep falling from my eyes Me:"I'm sorry I can't I just can't" I turn and run outside and he runs after me J:"Nina, Baby please talk to me, I've come all this way for you" I look at him in disbelief Me:"Save it!!!! We've done this song and dance before and we both know how this is going to end so why don't you go back to your perfect little family and let me die in peace!!!" J:"She's gone has been for 9 years! You've never left me Nina. You've been here in my heart from the moment I met you. My heart has always been yours, always will be. I was stupid and reckless....." He's starts to cry tears rolling down his beautiful face Me:"What about your son ...... daughter she must be what 8 or 9" J:"It wasn't mine she lied to get me to marry her" Me:"So you're married?" J:"God No!!!! Baby No, ...... I never should've let you go. I let you walk out of my life once but I promise you, I promise you this time I'll never let you go. At night I hunger for you I wanted you back in my arms so bad but you weren't there. You're always in my dreams always." I dropped down to my knees sobbing, all these years, all the pain the agony the loneliness he's felt it with me. He drops to his knees and takes my face in his hands J:"I tried to find you but your parents, Cassy she wouldn't tell me where you where, she said..... If I ever went anywhere near you ..... She'd castrate me" we both giggled through our tears Me:"She would too" J:"I love you, I love you so much!!! I never stopped and I never will" his lips crash into mine and they taste and feel like heaven J:"Please say you'll be mine again please! My Nina my sweet dear Nina" he kisses me again. Me:"Jay my Jared my sweet Jared. Tell me your mine and only mine" J:"I am yours baby always have been always will be......Come with me" Me:"Now??? But the gallery, the exhibit" J:"Leave it an come with me, please......I just want to be alone with you..... Please" I search his beautiful blue eyes now tinted with red from crying. Me:"ok....... ok " we get in his car and drive to his hotel. He takes me in his arms and makes me his again his body his touch his breathe it's real, I'm completely intoxicated by him I never realized how much I really missed him and loved him until now. Years of thirst and hunger quenched in hours of unbridled passion and desire. Sweat mixed with tears our bodies our souls entwined as one. My soulmate my love my heart, he's really here and we are one, we are complete again finally back in each others arms where we belong. 6 month later we are on a stretch of beach in Maui saying our I do's in front of our family and friends Shannon stands in for Jared and Cassy stands in for me. Our mothers tear up as we say our I do's, the sun sets into the western horizon as our unborn son stirs in my womb.

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