I'm Coming Home

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He was in town on a lay over, the airlines had mixed several passenger flights and half the plane was forced to stay overnight in Vancouver Washington. He checked in to his hotel room and decided to go exploring. It was a nice day out and he wanted to enjoy the cool breeze and take in the scenery.

She owns a local coffee bar on the river front, the atmosphere is nice and the clientele was good. The best part of it, she was her own boss. She loved the independence and the creative freedom that came with it. It's rather slow today she decides to pour herself a cup of her favorite blend she's about to step out to the patio when a new customer walks in Her:"Welcome to Cafe Jewels what can I get started for you?" Him:"I don't know what do you recommend?" Her:"Depends what you're in the mood for?" She takes a sip of her coffee and savors its sweetness. Him:"What are you having?" Her:"Hmm....... Oh you mean this? It my special recipe, caramel vanilla latte" Him:"Sounds good, think you could make me one?" Her:"Sure" she busies herself making his latte Him:"Do you make it a point not to make eye contact with your customers?" Her: I'm sorry I was about to go on my break and I like to leave things ready before I do. I hope I didn't offend you. Here you go" she hands him his coffee and her heart almost stops, beautiful hazel eyes, killer smile, drop dead gorgeous.

Wow! She's beautiful and hazel eyes to match his, sweet! They just stare at each other in silence. He finally speaks, Him:"Thanks...... Umm my name's Shannon by the way" Her:"Umm Julie, I'm Julie" S:"So how much do I owe you Julie?" J:"Uh.... It's on the house" S:"Are you sure? I could pay you if you'd like?" J:"Don't worry about it's ok I promise. I'm sure the owner won't mind"........ Her:"Sorry I'm late boss I got stuck in traffic"as soon as she's behind Shannon she mouths "he's hot!!" and fans herself with her hand J:"Perfect timing I was about to go on break" S:"Wait you own this place?" Julie blushes J:"Guilty" S:"Sweet! Beauty and brains, that hot!" She blushes again S:"I love the way you're cheeks color when you blush" she blushes yet again, damn he's good S:"Yeah like that" real good" J:" Um.... So, how your coffee?" S:"Its good, I'm going to have to get you to give me that recipe before I leave town" J"Oh.... You're not from around here" S:I'm from L.A. actually my brother and I are stranded here on a lay-over until tomorrow" She looked disappointed and she was, just her luck she meets the man of dreams and he's only in town until tomorrow. He picks up on her disappointed, truth be told he doesn't want to leave her just yet, something about her is capturing his heart S:"Spend the day with me" her heart starts pounding in her chest J:"I don't know I ...." Her:"It's ok.... It's not that busy, I can handle it....Go!" Julie looks at Shannon and back at her employee J:"Ok, sure"

They spend the rest of the day together, Julie shows Shannon around Vancouver . They watch the sun set on the beach, they are sitting on the sand her back on his chest" S:"Thank you" J."For what?" S:"For today, for you" she looks up at him with love in her eyes J:"No.......Thank you" he reaches down and kisses her lips. His kiss is sweet and gentle she turns to him and kisses him passionately. He presses her body close to his, he's never felt this connected to anyone before, he wants her, he needs her. S:"I am moving to fast" J:"No" she devours his lips, she needs him, God he's intoxicating her body, her heart ache's for him" J:"I'm sorry" she tries to catch her breath S:"Don't be I'm not" he devours her lips, they lay down on the sand and enjoy each others embrace. He wants her but not here. He caresses her cheek as he speaks S:"Would you think bad of me if I asked to spend the night with you" he's so sweet, she loves him already J:"No.... would you think bad of me if I said I'd love it if you would" S:"No, your different from anyone I've ever met, don't know what this is but I like it" she smiles at that J:"Shannon, take me home"

They spent the night in each other's arms. He made her body come alive with his touch, his lips, his body. She had never experienced this reckless abandon before. He kissed her deeply then made his way down her neck to her breast. His tongue and his lips linger on her skin. She moans in pleasure and arches her body to his touch. His lips travel lower still to her sweet spot she arches her hips to his mouth her breath hitches her body shakes as she tries to keep him in place . He comes into her, rocking her hips over over again making her moan in pleasure. Their hearts beat as one their souls in perfect sync. This is what love feels like, this is what love should be.

It's been 10 months since that fateful day. He left her the following day but not before he took her heart and left his in it's place . They've kept in touch by phone, skype they've even seen each other every now and then. Each time sweeter than the last, their hearts and bodies ache for each other. He's sitting in his living room talking to his brother, Jared:"Are you sure about this?" S:"I've never been more sure about anything else in my entire life, I love her" Jared could see how happy Shannon was J:"Then go get her" Shannon gets up and hugs his brother, S:"Thanks Jared" J:"If you're happy I'm happy" S:"I'm bringing her home" J:"Should I take my tux to the cleaners?" S:"I would" he picked up his bags and his plane ticket and headed for the airport. He can't wait to see her and have her in his arms again. He sees planes taking off and thinks to himself "soon".

His plane lands two and a half hours later, he rents a car and goes to find his heart. He has a better idea he stops by a small shop and gets a couple of things and heads to the spot where they first saw the sun set. He sees a young guy on the beach drawing the landscape, he explains what he's up to and and the guy agrees to watch over the spot. It's time, he drives to Cafe Jewels, he sees his love through the window she's so beautiful. He feels complete with her. He walks into the cafe "So what does a guy have to do to get a cup of java around here?" Julie hears his voice and her heart begins to race she turns and runs into his arms J:"Shannon!!!!!" She devours his lips S:"God I've missed you so much!" J:"I missed you more baby, what are you doing here" S:"I couldn't stay away any longer......" He kisses her lips "I have a surprise for you" J:"Mmmm....... I love surprises" S:"Then come with me"

They arrive at the beach he opens the car door for her J:"What are we ......" S:"Close your eyes." She does and he walk hers on to the sand Julie was giddy with excitement J:"Where we going?" S:"You'll see love" they finally come to a stop. S:"Open your eyes" there on the sand was a huge rose petal heart, a bottle of wine and candles and in the middle was a smaller rose petal heart with a small box in the center. She was speechless S:"You like it Baby?" She looks up at him as tears roll down her cheeks. J:"Shannon.....you did all this for me?" S:"I love you Jewels and there's no where else I'd rather be than with you" he walks into the center of the heart gets down on one knee and picks up the small box S:"My Jewel you make my heart complete, in you I found a home for my heart, I can't imagine a world without you in it. Would you do me the extraordinary honor of making me the happiest man alive, marry me?" Tears where streaming down her cheeks this was the happiest moment of her life she dropped to her knees and kissed him happily J:"Yes, yes, yes I'll marry you baby" she kissed his lips S:"I can't wait to make you my wife, come with me to Cali" she didn't even think about it twice shed figure out the details later all she knew was "I can't wait to be your wife"


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