Summer Love

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This little treat is for my Shangirl TCLeto sorry for the long wait lovely..... Enjoy💕💕💕💕

He lived for summer when he could take his baby out for a ride down PCH up the California coast. It was a warm day, the sun is high in the sky perfect beach weather. He packs a few water bottles, his swim trunks and a towel and heads out to the coast. He stops at his favorite surf n turf for a quick bite to eat before hitting the waves. He pulls into the lot, hits the kickstand and removes his helmet and jacket and heads to the counter to place his order. As usual the girls giggle with delight while the guys shake their head and smile. He can't help  but smile to himself, it never fails. Truth be told it wasn't his intention to make a grand entrance but what can you do when your baby commands it. Hmmm..... She's new..... For the last few years it's been the same crew, he's knows them all by name and has been known to chat them up once in a while Brit moved out here 3 years ago from Denmark, Mare's a local Cali girl who started as a cashier and now co-manages the place with Zander, affectionately known as the resident beach bum. He's your typical surfer with a side of business savvy. The cook, Tomo, is actually and old friend from High School who dreamed of studying at the Cordon Blue unfortunately for him he and his high school sweetheart Vicki got an unexpected visit from the stork which pretty much threw a wrench in the whole plan not that he's complaining mind you. Between his amazing cooking and Zander's busy savvy they've turned this once modest hang out into a favorite spot for locals and tourist alike. During the day they still work with a skeleton crew keeping the casual vibe alive but at night Tomo splits the cooking duties with a second chef Jamie while Emma and head waitress turned mama hen Rhonda come in to wait tables at night. She's a spit fire from Texas with an amazing business savvy and a knack for keeping everyone in check which is something Mare likes.

Shannon's point of view.......

Red Ginger hair, hazel green eyes, creamy white skin, and a body to.... Him:"Shannon, earth to Shannon" I get snatched out of my contemplation by the boss man himself "No!" I keep my eyes trained on her as I respond "No What?" Z:"No to the girl! The last time you set eyes on one of my girls she ran off with your brother" I give him a sarcastic grin "Hey it's not my fault he made her an offer she couldn't refuse" Z:"Him or You? Last time I checked she was co running your coffee company with Jared" I can't help but smile "That she is, best investment I ever made too! He's happy and so am I" Z:"Man I miss Nina, best employee I ever had!" Truth, she was! Before I hired her she was co-managing this place with Zander who had a sweet spot for her, can't say I blame him. Sun kissed skin, curves to die for and business savvy to match his own. The day she met Jared the poor guy lost all hope, it was love at first sight for those two but that's a story for another day "So what's her story?" Z:"Who? Red? Her Name's Tiffany she came out here for her best friend's wedding and ended up staying out here for good" I bite my lip as I take her in "Nice" Mmmm the things I could do to that little body of hers Z:"Don't even think about it Leto, Not happening!" I give him a cheeky grin "Better not let Mare hear you, she'll have you sleeping in the dog house for sure" He gives me a half crooked smile and a frustrated grin "You know what I mean Leto" of course I do, but when do I ever listen?

4 weeks later she's riding on the back of his baby, holding on tight to his waist. They ride up the coast past the surf n turf and on to Malibu to a private beach. They drive down a sandy road onto the small lot that leads to the sand. He stops the bike and she get's off and strip out of her jacket, top and jeans revealing a sexy but modest 2 piece bikini releasing a sexy growl from his lips. "Ugh..... Don't you look good enough to eat, come'er" he pulls her close and takes her lips T:"Uh uh uh patience baby, I promise it'll be worth the wait" Shannon gives her a pouty face but gets nowhere "No! Water first, sex later" S:"You're such a tease!" She pulls him in for a kiss "But you love me that way" He gives her a sexy grin "That I do" he gets off the bike and strips out his jacket and shirt and takes out his swim trunks and the towels "You go ahead I'll go change" he hands her the towels and goes to change.

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